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Dr. Catherine Quinn

Associate Professor

Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
Faculty of Health Studies
Dr. Catherine Quinn


Dr Catherine Quinn is an Associate Professor at the Centre of Applied Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford ( ) where she teaches modules on post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia. Catherine is currently Co-PI on the DYNAMIC study which focuses on improving social care planning and provision for people with young onset dementia and their families. She is also a member of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Dementia and Neurodegeneration (DeNPRU Exeter). Catherine is the Bradford University Healthy Ageing Theme Lead for Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research. She is a member of the NIHR Dementias Portfolio Development Group and the Older People’s theme of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC), Yorkshire & Humber. She is also a Fellow of Advance HE.

Catherine’s research focuses on improving the quality of life of those affected by dementia. First, through gaining a better understanding of the experiences of those affected by dementia and the factors that affect their quality of life. Second, by developing interventions to improve the quality of life of those affected by dementia. She has a particular interest in the experiences of carers, positive experiences in providing care and relationship dynamics. She has expertise in cohorts, qualitative methodology, and patient and public involvement. She is involved in major research studies.  
Current projects include:

  • Co-PI on the DYNAMIC study which focuses on improving social care planning and provision for people with young onset dementia and their families. ·         
  • Co-I on the longstanding IDEAL programme, which is the largest cohort study of living well with dementia in Great Britain. ·         
  • Co-I on the ENLIVEN study which works with small businesses to make the wellbeing benefits of outdoor activity more accessible to older people with cognitive impairment.
  • Co-I on the INCLUDE study. This study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with dementia and carers who are taking part in the IDEAL progarmme. 
  • Co-I on the MAGNET study which is developing an intervention to support medication self-management in dementia.
  • Co-I on the SIDECAR study which focuses on the implementation of a carer quality of life measure in carer organisations.   
Catherine has also involved in a involved in a number of other networks: ·             
  • Peer-reviewer for the World Health Organisation Global Dementia Observatory.
  • Editor for Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement group.


Current Module leadership
DEM7024-C: Psychosocial and pharmacological support (Postgraduate Certificate for Practitioners with Advanced or Extended roles in dementia) 
DEM7025-C: Post-diagnostic support and living well with dementia (MSc Advanced Dementia Studies) 

Previous module leadership
DEM7014-C (maternity cover): Evidence Appraisal and Synthesis (MSc Advanced Dementia Studies)
DEM7009-C People with dementia and their families: Communication and inclusion (MSc Advanced Dementia Studies)

MSc Dissertation students

I supervise a number of dissertation students on the MSc Advanced Dementia Studies. Recent projects include:

  • The use of robotic animals within care homes.
  • The use of reflective team discussions in improving dementia care
Current PhD students
  • 2021: Associate supervisor for Jia Yen Eng PhD on "Supporting the well-being of care staff in Singapore"
  • 2019: Principal supervisor for Alison Ellwood. PhD on "The influence of psychological and social factors on the lived experience of people living with co-existent physical frailty and cognitive impairment".
Previous PhD students
  • 2019-2022: Associate supervisor for Oladayo Bifarin. PhD entitled "Supporting carers in the Chinese workforce'"
  • 2018-2020: Principal supervisor for Suzanne Hill. PhD entitled 'Investigating the quality and continuity of medication management when people living with dementia move be tween the care home and hospital setting' 
  • 2012- 2015: Associate supervisor for Carol Opdebeeck. PhD entitled ‘Cognitive Reserve, mood and cognitive function in later life’  

Professional activities

  • INTERDEM (Early detection and timely INTERvention in DEMentia) , Member
  • British Psychological Society, Member
  • British Society of Gerontology, Member


  • Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care: Evidence-Based Practice

    Quinn, C. & Clare, L. (2020) Awarecare: an awareness-based staff training intervention to improve quality of life for care home residents with severe dementia. Jessica Kingsley.

  • Positive experiences in dementia caregiving

    Quinn, C. (2016) Positive Psychology Approaches to Dementia. Jessica Kingsley.

  • Interpretative phenomenological analysis

    Quinn, C. & Clare, L. (2008) Nursing Research: Designs and Methods . Elsevier.