Andrew Fraser
Information about Andrew Fraser at the University of Bradford.
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There is no biography currently available for Andrew Fraser.
There are 3 publications involving or that are attributed to Mr Andrew Fraser.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Title | Year | Publication name | Journal | Volume | Pages | Authors | Editors | ISSN | Publisher | DOI | Location |
A great wave: the Storegga tsunami and the end of Doggerland? | 2020 | Antiquity | 94 | James Walker , Vincent Gaffney , Simon Fitch , Merle Muru , Andrew Fraser , Martin Bates and Richard Bates | Cambridge University Press | | |||||
Targeting the Mesolithic: Multidisciplinary archaeological prospecting of the Brown Bank Area, southern North Sea | 2020 | Quaternary International | Unknown | Simon Fitch, Tine Missiaen, Merle Muru, Rachel Harding Andy Fraser, Maikel De Clercq, David Garcia Moreno, Wim Versteeg, Vince Gaffney | Elsevier | ||||||
Targeting the Mesolithic: Interdisciplinary approaches to archaeological prospection in the Brown Bank area, southern North Sea | 2020 | Quaternary International | Missiaen T.;Fitch S.;Muru M.;Harding R.;Fraser A.;De Clercq M.;Moreno D.G.;Versteeg W.;Gaffney V. | 1040-6182 | 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.05.004 |