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Ashraf Ashour

Professor of Structural Engineering

School of BEACI
Faculty of Eng & Digital Technologies
Ashraf Ashour


Ashraf (ORCID:0002-4800-6060) is a Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Bradford (UoB), received his PhD from Cambridge University in 1994, was the Head of Civil Engineering Department between 2007-2012 and the Director of Research at the School of Engineering between 2014-2018 of UoB. He is currently the Director of the Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments (BCSE) at the UoB. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers (FIStructE) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg.

Prof. Ashour has worked in many research projects sponsored by national and international research organizations; including British Council, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Newton fund and EU Horizon 2020. He has extensive research experience in the development of new construction materials and their use in sustainable infrastructure as well as techniques to extend the life of concrete structures. He has successfully supervised 20 post-doctoral research fellows and 20 PhD students. He has authored and co-authored more than 250 journal and conference papers. His publication citations may be found at:

Prof. Ashour is ranked amongst the top 2% scientists in Civil Engineering in accordance with the Global Database produced by Stanford University (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) and was recently awarded Newton Prize -2020. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the Structures and Buildings Journal (ICE), is currently the associated editor of Structures Journal (Elsevier) and editorial board member of the International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (SpringerOpen). He is serving many national and international research councils for their funding allocation; for example member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, UK, member of the Royal Society’s International Collaboration Awards ODA Committee; member of the Royal Society’s International Exchanges Panel & Newton Mobility Grants and Kan Tong Po Fellowships, Latvian Council of Science; Swiss Research Council; Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF); M-ERA.NET funded network and VINNOVA, Germany; National Science Centre, Poland; Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems; the European Science Foundation, FCT, Portugal; Eureka, Euro-Stars and European Commission-Horizon Europe. Prof Ashour is the Chair of the civil and geological engineering panel for the R&D Units evaluation process in Portugal (2024). He has been the external examiner for more than 27 UK and 15 international PhD students and 6 undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in UK and overseas Universities.


I have gained extensive research experience in the development of sustainable/innovative construction materials and their use in structural engineering as well as techniques to extend the life of concrete structures. 

Research projects


British Council, Newton Fund Institutional Links Grant




Funder: BEIS - Newton fund


Since obtaining my first degree in Civil Engineering in 1985, I have been full-time working in three different HE institutions: Mansoura University, Egypt as an Assistant Lecturer (1985-1991), Cambridge University as a Demonstrator and Lab Assistant (1991-1994) and Bradford University as a Lecture, Senior lecturer, Reader and Professor (1994-to-date). I also delivered part time teaching at Leeds University (2012-2013) and Johannesburg University (2020-2021). During my academic career, my main teaching responsibility covered all structural engineering modules, closely aligned with my technical expertise that are extensively developed during my educational degrees and research. 

Professional activities

  • Newton Prize - 2020 (1 December 2020)

  • Cambridge University (Trinity College) - PhD (3 October 1991)
  • Mansoura University, Egypt - MSc (14 October 1985)
  • Mansoura University, Egypt - BSc (7 October 1980)

  • University of Bradford - Professor of Structural Engineering (18 June 2015)
  • University of bradford - Reader in Structural Engineering (7 June 2010)
  • University of bradford - Senior Lecturer (7 June 2004)

  • EPSRC Peer College Member: (15 May 2017)

  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Educational Institution (20 March 2023)
  • Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers, Professional Society (15 May 2011)
  • Fellow of Advance Higher Education, Professional Society (18 May 2008)
  • Engineering Council, UK regulatory body for the engineering profession (10 May 2005)


  • Moment-curvature behaviour of hybrid reinforced concrete T-beams

    Almahmood H.;Ashour A.;Sheehan T. (2019) Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 2019., 130-136.

  • Flexural behaviour of continuous hybrid reinforced concrete T-beams

    Almahmood H.;Ashour A.;Sheehan T. (2019) Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 2019., 85-91.

  • 2D finite element analysis of GFRP reinforced concrete continuous deep beams with bond modelling

    Zinkaah O.;Ashour A.;Sheehan T. (2019) Advanced Composites in Construction, ACIC 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction 2019., 92-98.

  • Editorial

    Ashour A. (2014) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings. 167

  • Editorial

    Ashour A. (2012) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings. 165