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Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith,
Reader in Healthy Childhood

Information about Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith at the University of Bradford.

Faculty of Health Studies


Dr Andy Daly-Smith is a reader in physical activity and healthy childhood. He leads the Wolfson centre for applied research health childhood theme. His research focuses on the design, development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions for physical activity and health in children. He is heavily involved in the Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research and Born in Bradford as a Research Director on the Sport England funded Join Us: Move Play programme. Recently, Andy led the co-development of the first UK-based whole-school physical activity framework with 50 regional, national and international stakeholders. The model has been widely adopted across the UK to drive systems change for health and physical activity within schools. In May 2018 he co-delivered a TEDxEducation talk on physically active learning.


Physical Activity SchoolsSystems change Executive Function Academic Performance Child Heath


There are 39 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith. They are listed as:

  • editorial (1)
  • non-peer reviewed journal (2)
  • peer reviewed journal (36)


Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith has 1 publication(s) listed under editorial.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Reconsidering current objectives for physical activity within physical education. 2018 British Journal Of Sports Medicine 52 Hobbs M;Daly-Smith A;McKenna J;Quarmby T;Morley D; 1473-0480 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097328

Non-peer reviewed Journal

Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith has 2 publication(s) listed under non-peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Opening the Black Box of Implementation: Developing the Creating Active Schools Logic Model 2024 Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 9 Helme, Zoe E Chalkley, Anna Walker, Timothy J Bartholomew, John B Morris, Jade L McLoughlin, Gabriella M. Bingham, Daniel D Daly-Smith, Andy 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000244
Introduction: Walking the Talk: Implementing Physically Active Learning and Whole School Physical Activity 2024 Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 9 Daly-Smith, Andy Brekke Mandelid, Mathias Chalkley, Anna 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000263

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith has 36 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Portuguese School Teachers’ Perceptions of Physically Active Learning 2024 Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 9 Martins, Clarice Mota, Jorge Santos, José Daly-Smith, Andrew Chalkley, Anna E Singh, Amika Ottesen, Claus Tammelin, Tuija Archbold, Victoria S J Silva, Maria Paula 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000245
Finding the sweet spot of physically active learning: A need for co-ownership by public health and education 2024 Teaching and Teacher Education 148 Anna Chalkley;Mathias Mandelid;Miranda Thurston;Hege Tjomsland;Jade Morris;Jouni Kallio;Victoria Archbold;Geir Resaland;Andy Daly-Smith 10.1016/j.tate.2024.104695
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Whole-System Intervention to Increase the Physical Activity of Children Aged 5 to 11 Years (Join Us: Move Play, JU:MP): Protocol for a Quasiexperimental Trial. 2023 Jmir Research Protocols 12 Bingham DD;Daly-Smith A;Seims A;Hall J;Eddy L;Helme Z;Barber SE; 1929-0748 10.2196/43619
Child and family experiences of a whole-systems approach to physical activity in a multiethnic UK city: a citizen science evaluation protocol. 2023 BMJ Open 13 Frazer M;Seims A;Tatterton MJ;Lockyer B;Bingham D;Barber S;Daly-Smith A;Hall J; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069334
Reframing physically active learning as movement-centred pedagogy: a European priority action framework. 2023 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20 Chalkley A;Mandelid MB;Singh A;Resaland GK;Daly-Smith A; 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-023-01503-4
Initial insights into the impact and implementation of Creating Active Schools in Bradford, UK. 2023 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20 Morris JL; Chalkley AE; Helme ZE; Timms O; Young E; McLoughlin GM; Bartholomew JB; Daly-Smith A 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-023-01485-3
Interventions targeting children and young people's physical activity behavior at home: A systematic review 2023 PLoS ONE 18 e0289831 Seims A.L.;Hall J.;Bingham D.D.;Creaser A.;Christoforou A.;Barber S.;Daly-Smith A. 1932-6203 10.1371/journal.pone.0289831
Assessing the Impacts of Creating Active Schools on Organisational Culture for Physical Activity. 2022 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 Helme ZE;Morris JL;Nichols J;Chalkley AE;Bingham DD;McLoughlin GM;Bartholomew JB;Daly-Smith A; 1660-4601 10.3390/ijerph192416950
Effects of Maths on the Move on Children’s Perspectives, Physical Activity, and Math Performance 2022 Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 7 Morris, J.L. Archbold, V.A., Bond, S. & Daly-Smith A. 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000191
Covid-19 lockdown: Ethnic differences in children's self-reported physical activity and the importance of leaving the home environment; a longitudinal and cross-sectional study from the Born in Bradford birth cohort study. 2021 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18 Bingham DD;Daly-Smith A;Hall J;Seims A;Dogra SA;Fairclough SJ;Ajebon M;Kelly B;Hou B;Shire KA;Crossley KL;Mon-Williams M;Wright J;Pickett K;McEachan R;Dickerson J;Barber SE; ; 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-021-01183-y
Behaviours that prompt primary school teachers to adopt and implement physically active learning: a meta synthesis of qualitative evidence. 2021 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18 Daly-Smith A;Morris JL;Norris E;Williams TL;Archbold V;Kallio J;Tammelin TH;Singh A;Mota J;von Seelen J;Pesce C;Salmon J;McKay H;Bartholomew J;Resaland GK; 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-021-01221-9
A whole system approach to increasing children's physical activity in a multi-ethnic UK city: a process evaluation protocol. 2021 BMC Public Health 21 Hall J;Bingham DD;Seims A;Dogra SA;Burkhardt J;Nobles J;McKenna J;Bryant M;Barber SE;Daly-Smith A; 1471-2458 10.1186/s12889-021-12255-w
Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Primary School Children: Inactive Lessons Are Dominated by Maths and English 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 Daly-Smith, A; Hobbs, M; Morris, J.L: Defeyter, M.A; Resealand, G.K; McKenna, J MDPI
The Conforming, The Innovating and The Connecting Teacher: A qualitative study of why teachers in lower secondary school adopt physically active learning 2021 Teaching and Teacher Education 105 Lerum Ø.;Eikeland Tjomsland H.;Leirhaug P.E.;McKenna J.;Quaramby T.;Bartholomew J.;Jenssen E.S.;Smith A.D.;Resaland G.K. 0742-051X 10.1016/j.tate.2021.103434
Fundamental Movement Skills and Their Assessment in Primary Schools from the Perspective of Teachers 2021 Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 25 236 - 249 Eddy L.;Hill L.J.B.;Mon-Williams M.;Preston N.;Daly-Smith A.;Medd G.;Bingham D.D. 1091-367X 10.1080/1091367X.2021.1874955
Teachers' Perspectives on the Acceptability and Feasibility of Wearable Technology to Inform School-Based Physical Activity Practices. 2021 Frontiers In Sports And Active Living 3 Wort GK;Wiltshire G;Peacock O;Sebire S;Daly-Smith A;Thompson D; 2624-9367 10.3389/fspor.2021.777105
Teacher Perceptions of Fundamental Movement Skills and their Assessment in Primary Schools 2021 Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science TBC Eddy, L.H., Hill, L.J.B., Mon-Williams, M. Preston, N., Daly-Smith, A., Medd, G. & Bingham, D.D.
Using a multi-stakeholder experience-based design process to co-develop the Creating Active Schools Framework. 2020 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 17 Daly-Smith A;Quarmby T;Archbold VSJ;Corrigan N;Wilson D;Resaland GK;Bartholomew JB;Singh A;Tjomsland HE;Sherar LB;Chalkley A;Routen AC;Shickle D;Bingham DD;Barber SE;van Sluijs E;Fairclough SJ;McKenna J; 1479-5868 10.1186/s12966-020-0917-z
Implementing physically active learning: Future directions for research, policy, and practice. 2020 Journal of Sport and Health Science 9 Daly-Smith A;Quarmby T;Archbold VSJ;Routen AC;Morris JL;Gammon C;Bartholomew JB;Resaland GK;Llewellyn B;Allman R;Dorling H; 2213-2961 10.1016/j.jshs.2019.05.007
A Pedometer-Based Physically Active Learning Intervention: The Importance of Using Preintervention Physical Activity Categories to Assess Effectiveness. 2019 Pediatric Excercise Science 31 Morris JL;Daly-Smith A;Defeyter MA;McKenna J;Zwolinsky S;Lloyd S;Fothergill M;Graham PL; 1543-2920 10.1123/pes.2018-0128
The Daily Mile™ initiative: Exploring physical activity and the acute effects on executive function and academic performance in primary school children 2019 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 45 Morris J.L.;Daly-Smith A.;Archbold V.;Wilkins E.;McKenna J. 1469-0292 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101583
Introducing physically active lessons in UK secondary schools: feasibility study and pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial. 2019 BMJ Open 9 Gammon C;Morton K;Atkin A;Corder K;Daly-Smith A;Quarmby T;Suhrcke M;Turner D;van Sluijs E; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025080
Commentary on a recent article on the effects of the 'Daily Mile' on physical activity, fitness and body composition: addressing key limitations. 2019 BMC Medicine 17 Daly-Smith A;Morris JL;Hobbs M;McKenna J; 1741-7015 10.1186/s12916-019-1335-4
‘You get some very archaic ideas of what teaching is … ’: primary school teachers’ perceptions of the barriers to physically active lessons 2019 Education 3-13 47 308 - 321 Quarmby T.;Daly-Smith A.;Kime N. 0300-4279 10.1080/03004279.2018.1437462
Systematic review of acute physically active learning and classroom movement breaks on children's physical activity, cognition, academic performance and classroom behaviour: understanding critical design features. 2018 Bmj Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 4 Daly-Smith AJ;Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Tomporowski PD;Defeyter MA;Manley A; 2055-7647 10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000341
Supporting lifestyle risk reduction: promoting men’s health through professional football 2016 Soccer and Society 17 183 - 195 Zwolinsky S.;McKenna J.;Pringle A.;Daly-Smith A.;Robertson S.;White A. 1466-0970 10.1080/14660970.2015.1082767
A case study objectively assessing female physical activity levels within the National Curriculum for Physical Education 2015 European Physical Education Review 21 149 - 161 Hobbs M.;Daly-Smith A.;Morley D.;McKenna J. 1356-336X 10.1177/1356336X14555296
Initial effects of a free swimming pilot programme on the physical activity levels of young people. 2014 Public Health 128 Pringle A;Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Brown P;Daly-Smith A; 1476-5616 10.1016/j.puhe.2014.01.016
Developing Interventions for Children's Exercise (DICE): a pilot evaluation of school-based exercise interventions for primary school children aged 7 to 8 years. 2014 Journal of physical activity & health 11 Hind K;Torgerson D;McKenna J;Ashby R;Daly-Smith A;Truscott J;MacKay H;Jennings A; 1543-5474 10.1123/jpah.2012-0116
Health improvement for men and hard-to-engage-men delivered in English Premier League football clubs. 2014 Health Education Research 29 Pringle A;Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Robertson S;Daly-Smith A;White A; 1465-3648 10.1093/her/cyu009
Delivering men's health interventions in English Premier League football clubs: key design characteristics. 2013 Public Health 127 Pringle A;Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Daly-Smith A;Robertson S;White A; 1476-5616 10.1016/j.puhe.2013.04.011
Optimizing lifestyles for men regarded as 'hard-to-reach' through top-flight football/soccer clubs. 2013 Health Education Research 28 Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Pringle A;Daly-Smith A;Robertson S;White A; 1465-3648 10.1093/her/cys108
Effect of a national programme of men's health delivered in English Premier League football clubs. 2013 Public Health 127 Pringle A;Zwolinsky S;McKenna J;Daly-Smith A;Robertson S;White A; 1476-5616 10.1016/j.puhe.2012.10.012
Unpacking physically active learning in education: a movement didaktikk approach in teaching? 2022 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Mandelid, M.B; Resaland, G.K; Lerum, O; Teslo, S; Chalkley, A; Singh, A; Bartholomew, J; Daly-Smith, A; Thurston, M; Tjomsland H.E; Taylor & Francis
Year 7 dietary intake: a comparison of two schools with middle-high socio-economic status. 2013 Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 26 Greatwood HC;Daly-Smith A;McGregor S;McKenna J; 1365-277X 10.1111/jhn.12124
The impact of additional weekdays of active commuting to school on children achieving a criterion of 300+ minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity 2011 Health Education Journal 70 428 - 434 Daly-Smith A.;McKenna J.;Radley D.;Long J. 0017-8969 10.1177/0017896910379367