Professor Murna Downs

Professor in Dementia Studies
Expertise: quality of life, quality of care, lived experience of dementia, effectiveness of training and education, culture change; mixed methods
Professor Murna Downs is Chair in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford, a leading centre of excellence in research, education, training and consultancy in dementia care.
She has published on a range of topics from early diagnosis through to end of life care, most recently on transitions in dementia care, emphasising the importance of attending to the perspective of people living with dementia and their families. Murna’s research is currently focused on developing and testing interventions to improve care in care homes.
She co-directs the University’s Alzheimer's Society funded Doctoral Training Centre on dementia care and services research, 'Transitions in dementia care'. She is co-editor of the highly commended textbook Excellence in dementia care: Research into practice and is series editor of the Jessica Kingsley Good Practice Guides on Dementia Care. Murna is on the editorial board of several journals, a member of the Dementia Expert Advisory Group for Health Education England, the National Institute for Health Research Portfolio Development Group for Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Research Strategy Council of the Alzheimer’s Society. She is an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society, social care adviser to Alzheimer Europe and is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.
View all experts in: Alzheimer's, Dementia.