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Robert James


Rob James is muscle physiologist who obtained his BSc and PhD at University of Leeds. After 4 years of postdoctoral research at University of St Andrews he started as a lecturer at Coventry University. His teaching was focused on biomechanics and muscle physiology. He undertook various leadership roles at Coventry including Dean of Faculty, Deputy Dean and Associate Dean (Research), before joining Bradford as Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences in July 2022.

Rob is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), a chartered scientist (CSci) and an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB). His main research focus is to utilise physiological techniques, such as the work loop technique, to better understand the effects of drugs, temperature, obesity or ageing on muscle performance.


Awarded a range of research grants (project, studentship, equipment, travel) to study drug induced changes in myocardial performance, thermal physiology of skeletal muscle, effects of natural periods of hypometabolism (aestivation and hibernation) on muscle performance, the causes and mechanisms of muscle fatigue, trade-offs between sprint and endurance performance, effects of body size on skeletal muscle performance.

Sept. 2019-Aug. 2022 Australian Research Council Discovery Project, Plastic pollution: new driver altering responses to variable environments, Seebacher F (PI), James RS (Partner Investigator), Little A. AUS$543k;

Sept. 2016-Apr. 2020 Innovate UK NC3R, Novel human-cell based assay for assessment of cardiovascular liability, Maddock H (co-PI), James RS (co-PI), £982,000;

Sept. 2016-Aug 2019 Australian Research Council Discovery Project, The physiological mechanisms underlying animal group dynamics, Seebacher F (PI), Sumpler D, James RS (Partner Investigator), AUS$460k;

Sept. 2014-Mar. 2016, Technology Strategy Board/Innovate UK NC3R, Human Traberculae Work-Loop Feasibility, Maddock H (co-PI), James RS (co-PI), £248,000;

Dec. 2013-Nov. 2015, Mercia Growth Fund, Inocardia spin out company for commercial application of the work loop technique, Maddock H (PI), James RS (Academic Partner), £200,000;

Dec. 2013-Apr.2015, KEEN-EDRF, Development of in vitro rat papillary muscle work loop assay to accurately predict potential drug induced cardiac toxicity, Maddock H (PI), James RS (Academic Partner), £67,000;

Sept. 2013-Aug. 2016, Gerald Kerkut Charitable Trust & Southampton University VC Scholarship Scheme, PhD studentship, Green L (PI), Newland, Cleal, Poore, Rustighi (all Southampton University) and James RS. i.e. I was the external collaborator on this project, £78,000;

Oct. 2009-Oct 2013, EU FP7: Marie Curie International Reintegration project grant (based in France), Genetic and epigenetic basis of adaptive responses in frogs, Bonneaud (PI) Herrel, James RS, Adriens, Seebacher, Euros 100,000;

2009-2013, FAPESP (Brazil) project grant, Effects of global climate change on the Brazilian fauna: a conservation physiology approach, Navas CA (PI), collaborators included James RS, US$1,000,000;

2007-2011, Heart Research UK PhD studentship, An investigation into lethal ischaemia/reperfusion injury and anti-apoptotic therapies in the human myocardium, Maddock H (PI), James RS, £55,435;

2004-2007, Sultan Qaboos Oman University, PhD studentship, Effect of caspase inhibitors on ischaemia reperfusion injury in heart muscle, Maddock H (PI), James RS, £62,000;

Research collaborator

  • Professor Frank Seebacher (University of Sydney)
  • Professor Robbie Wilson (University of Queensland)
  • Associate Professor Jason Tallis (Coventry University)

Professional activities

  • PgCert Teaching and Learning in HE (1 January 1999)
  • Ph.D. (The Mechanical and Physiological Properties of Mammalian Muscle) (1 January 1994)
  • B.Sc.(Hons) Applied Zoology (1 January 1991)
