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Dr. Julie Morgan,
Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice

Information about Dr. Julie Morgan at the University of Bradford.

School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
(Richmond Building)
01274 234766
Photo of Dr. Julie Morgan


I gained my PhD in 2001 and my thesis was entitled The Role of the Practice Pharmacist in the Promotion of Evidence Based Prescribing. This research focussed on evaluation of the impact of Primary Care Pharmacists implementing prescribing guidelines, medication review and intervention to reduce benzodiazepine prescribing. I have since supervised approximately 65 Pharmacy undergraduate students undertaking research projects linked to medicines management/optimisation and community pharmacy development. I have supervised 6 MSc students to completion, on a range of topics linked to optimising use of medication and medicines-related safety. I have additionally been involved in the supervision of 8 doctoral students, including supervising 1 PhD and 2 DPharm students to successful completion. I have also undertaken small-scale projects in pharmacy education and plan to become more involved in this type of research.


Medicines optimisation Medicines safety Pharmacy education Medicines optimisation Medicines safety Pharmacy education Research Collaborations Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR) Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Belfast Hospitals NHS Trust Research Collaborations Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR) Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Belfast Hospitals NHS Trust


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Julie Morgan as follows:

Teaching interests

My particular areas of teaching experience and expertise include the practice of pharmacy, therapeutics, consultation skills, clinical governance, clinical audit, medicines optimisation and patient safety.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Julie Morgan is as follows:

  • General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), Member
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Member in the year 1995 (specified as 17/07/1995)
  • Higher Education Academy (HEA), Fellow
  • Primary Care Pharmacists Association (PCPA), Member


  • University of Bradford - PhD
  • University of Bradford - BPharm
  • University of Bradford - Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice

  • School Team Leader Group,
  • Faculty Learning & Teaching Committee,
  • School Learning & Teaching Committee,
  • Board of Examiners,
  • School Leadership Board, in the year 2018 (specified as 08/01/2018)
  • Programme Leaders' Forum,

  • Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) in the year 01-JAN-17 (specified as 01/01/2017)


There are 14 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Julie Morgan. They are listed as:

  • conference publication (8)
  • peer reviewed journal (5)
  • reviews (1)

Conference Publication

Dr. Julie Morgan has 8 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
A mixed methods evaluation of factors impacting on the community pharmacist’s role in providing access to palliative medicines in Sheffield, UK: incorporating pharmacist, GP and other healthcare professional views. 2018 Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference 26 E Miller, J D Morgan, C Wong, A Blenkinsopp International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Defining medicines reconciliation for patients using qualitative consensus methods with a Patient-Public Involvement panel. 2018 Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference 26 (Suppl 1) Khan S, Hamilton N, Morgan JD, Fylan B, Urban R, Blenkinsopp A International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
What is the community pharmacist’s role in palliative care: views of healthcare professionals within a UK city. 2018 Association for Palliative Medicine conference Association for Palliative Medicine conference 8 (Suppl 1) E Miller, J D Morgan, C Wong, A Blenkinsopp BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 10.1136/bmjspcare-2018-ASPabstracts.9
‘Have you got the drugs?’ a survey of customers accessing palliative medicines from community pharmacies in Sheffield. 2018 Association for Palliative Medicine conference Association for Palliative Medicine conference 8 (Suppl 1) E Miller, J D Morgan, A Blenkinsopp BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 10.1136/bmjspcare-2018-ASPabstracts.32
Do prescribing errors impact on access to urgent palliative medicines? A quantitative study in Sheffield. 2017 Royal Pharmaceutical Society Winter Summit Royal Pharmaceutical Society Winter Summit 25 (Suppl 2) E Miller, J D Morgan, A Blenkinsopp . International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Are subcutaneous palliative medicines available and accessible: an out of hours (OOH) audit in Sheffield 2016 Royal Society of Medicine/ Marie Curie Research Conference Royal Society of Medicine/ Marie Curie Research Conference 6 Miller E, Morgan JD, Blenkinsopp A, Wong C BMJ Support Palliat Care doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001204.60
Communicating about medication: Who, what, where, when, how? 2013 British Pharmaceutical Conference British Pharmaceutical Conference 21 (Suppl 2) Urban RL, Armitage G, Morgan J, Marshall K, Blenkinsopp A International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Is electronic discharge the answer? 2012 British Pharmaceutical Conference British Pharmaceutical Conference 20 (Suppl 2) Urban R, Armitage G, Morgan J, Marshall K International Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Julie Morgan has 5 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Custom and practice: A multi-center study of medicines reconciliation following admission in four acute hospitals in the UK 2014 Urban, Rachel L.; Armitage, Gerry R.; Morgan, Julie D.; Marshall, Kay M.; Blenkinsopp, Alison; Scally, Andy J.
Communicating medication changes to community pharmacy post-discharge: The good, the bad, and the improvements 2013 International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 35 813 - 820 Urban R.;Paloumpi E.;Rana N.;Morgan J. 2210-7703 10.1007/s11096-013-9813-9
How can primary care organisations better support community pharmacy development? 2010 Pharmaceutical Journal 284 478 - 481 Morgan J.;Cheung K.;Thorp F. 0031-6873
Development, implementation and cost-effectiveness of a protocol for review of combination diuretic prescribing 2003 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 55 317 - 320 Morgan J.;Wright D.;Chrystyn H.;George B.;Booth A.;Shoesmith D. 0306-5251 10.1046/j.1365-2125.2003.01784.x
Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of a patient education letter aimed at reducing long-term prescribing of benzodiazepines 2002 Pharmacy World and Science 24 231 - 235 Morgan J.;Wright D.;Chrystyn H. 0928-1231 10.1023/A:1021587209529


Dr. Julie Morgan has 1 publication(s) listed under reviews.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Perceptions of medicines use reviews - The views of community pharmacists within a West Yorkshire primary care trust 2008 Pharmaceutical Journal 281 303 - 305 Urban R.;Rivers P.;Morgan J. 0031-6873