Dr Yunis Alam
Senior Lecturer
This research theme aims to ensure we apply theoretical and conceptual ideas in everyday settings. We do this in several ways including, being attentive to the needs of our local communities, being drawn in particular to areas of investigation where there is a clear gap in knowledge, understanding or evidence.
Much of our research has long term, but noticeable, impact in relation to addressing inequalities, enhancing social justice and eradicating forms of discrimination. Our research also has various forms of impact including precise and detailed input in relation to service delivery and policy planning, and, at a more general level, feeding into broader public conversations around the nature of identity, equality and justice.
Our research is disseminated to relevant stakeholders and collaborators, including those who work in the area of policy. Just as importantly, we endeavour to make our research accessible and relevant to our diverse community. Amongst other stakeholders and collaborators, we work with:
Our starting point with research is based on the extent to which it can make impact in meaningful ways. This is especially relevant as aim to provide accessible research that is relevant to communities in economically diverse cities. We are therefore keen to continue working with stakeholders, in order to enhance opportunities of access and outcome for those who are especially economically disadvantaged.
We work with collaborators through a combination of being invited to offer input, or through undertaking funded research activity.
Over a number of years, Yunis Alam has conducted various research projects exploring the intersections of ethnicity, class and place. His most recent research around the Sociology of Cars examines the ways in which cars, driving and road related interactions feed into and form perceptions of class, ‘race’ as well as taste and neighbourhoods. Through interviews with those who work in car related industry, car enthusiasts as well as those who have more mundane and ‘ordinary’ relationships with cars, this research situates racism and class-based prejudice as normative and perniciuous.
Yunis' research has also been discussed on BBC Radio 4, and is also being used as a way to help policy makers remain informed about the challenges with some forms of driving behaviour.
The 'Peaceophobia: exploring cars, faith and culture' event took place on November 20 202, and explored the creative significance of the car in modern urban spaces whilst also facilitating conversations about race, faith and social class.