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Bradford Police Museum collaboration brings the old courtroom to life


Bradford students are bringing the old courtroom to life following a ground-breaking agreement between the School of Law and the Bradford Police Museum.

Old Courtroom 1 This unique collaboration allows Law students’ learning to be linked with the Museum, broadening their experience and developing their confidence. The Museum will host joint events and activities, and will encourage student volunteers to get involved.

Events already planned for students in 2015 include:

  • Mock crown court trial: students will act as advocates and volunteers as witnesses
  • Mooting competitions: students argue hypothetical cases to learn how to apply the law
  • Court room etiquette: students demonstrate legal etiquette during public tours.

The public will also be invited to attend events, such as practical demonstrations with volunteers and students explaining how a court works. This will provide the local community with a valuable insight into how crime, justice and punishment operate in our current legal system.

Old Courtroom 3 The Police Museum and the School of Law will also organise career seminars to showcase the career paths and possibilities opened up by a Law degree, and student dissertations have the chance to inform the Museum’s publications and influence strategies.

‌Dr Jessica Guth, Head of Bradford University School of Law, said: “This is a very exciting joint venture we’ve initiated with Bradford Police Museum. Giving students the opportunity to practice their learning and skills in such an evocative way will bring a new dimension to their experience. They can develop their confidence as advocates and get to grips with the law in a realistic setting.”

Martin Baines, Chair of Under the Clock Bradford (a charity that runs the Bradford Police Museum) added: “This new and exciting partnership is definitely a win-win for us. This project will help bring the Museum to life and enhance the visitor experience. The joint working between the Museum and the School of Law will also provide real benefits for Bradford’s students. The Museum has been open to the public since October 2014 and we’ve already attracted over 1,000 visitors in our preview weeks alone. It will be open for visits again in February after a short winter break.”

Old Courtroom 2 Second year Law student Sannah Khatoon, who had the opportunity to look around the Museum in December, said: “The Police Museum trip was an excellent opportunity which I just had to take advantage of. The tour guides were well-informed and friendly, and I really enjoyed looking around the cells.”

Angelika Weber, a final year Law student, stated: “The visit was an interesting insight into policing services in Bradford. It’s a very useful experience for Law students as we will work closely with the police, and it’s essential to understand their dynamics and how they work to meet the needs of the community.”

Damini Sharma, a second year Law student, added: “We were able to learn a lot about how the police have developed their roles, uniforms and weapons up until current time; learning about the history of police procedures and even getting to see original records of criminals.”