This area focuses on the advances the fundamental and applied science to create technological solutions mapped to real world problems and needs
Research and business support from the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
Multi-disciplinary research is vital to our vision and strategy to address the diverse, complex and demanding problems of today's society.
Our research activities are conducted collaboratively across the faculty and external research institutions, making it attractive for external funding bodies (research funding councils, Innovate UK and the European Union) and industry.
Building on our ethos of 'Research informs teaching, teaching prepares research', the Faculty also offers a wide-spectrum of research-led postgraduate taught programmes (eg Postgraduate Research Programme - MPhil and PhD) and continuous professional development (CPD) courses that cater for different professional needs. These courses are supported by world class research facilities and experienced academic and technical staff.
We have close collaborations with other research and academic institutes across the globe and encourage and support exchanges with them.

Yorkshire Innovation in Science and Engineering Conference (YISEC 2023)
Conference date and location: 15-16 June 2023 at the University of Bradford campus
The conference is organised by Yorkshire Universities will be organising the conference. The consortium comprises four institutions: The University of Bradford, The University of Hull, The University of York and The University of Huddersfield.
The conference will be held at the University of Bradford’s main campus on June 15-16, 2023 and aims to provide postgraduate students with a cross-functional platform to address critical issues and innovative solutions through practical discussions.
Visit the YISEC pages for more information.

This group focuses on structuring advanced polymeric and biomedical materials via processing
This group focuses on next generation of software tools and systems, and gain the knowledge and techniques required to design and exploit computer technology.
The research group pursues research is associated with the creation of new sustainable infrastructure and the maintenance of existing infrastructure for future generations
Leading on research and innovation in distributed computing, automation and information technologies
The newsletter contains monthly updates on faculty news and events. Find out more here.
Our combination of expertise and cutting edge equipment makes us unique in the field of polymer micro and nano technology.
The ECRF forum was created with the aim to support the next generation of researchers in the faculty.
Active projects
Our research projects are funded by the Research Council, Horizon 2020, Innovate UK and industry.
Meet the team
Contact us
Dr Cristina Tuinea-Bobe
RKT Business Development Manager
Tel:+44(0) 1274 23 3744
Polymer MNT
University of Bradford
West Yorkshire