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Dr. Peter Branney

Associate Professor

School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Mgmt, Law & Social Sciences
Dr. Peter Branney


An Honorary Life Member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Dr. Branney excels at challenging projects that have an impact. Dr. Branney has undertaken a programme of award winning, internationally leading work exploring how to improve experiences of healthcare through interventions that are local, proximal and distal to patients' interactions with services. Dr. Branney co-authored the UK Department for Health report, ‘The Gender & Access to Services Study’ and led the first national study of Patients’ Experiences of Penile Cancer (PEPC), which is published on the award winning and featured on BBC Radio 4s Inside Health, the BPS Impact Portal, and The Guardian. Dr. Branney has over 100 peer-reviewed outputs and in the field of penile cancer and quality of life, four of his papers are in the top ten by citations per year. Dr. Branney is leading work exploring the possibilities of open science for qualitative methods, which includes one of the earliest studies into the topic, keynotes at the Qualitative Methods in Psychology section of the British Psychological Society biennial conference and the UK Research Integrity annual conference, videos and a paper introducing key issues, a special issue in the British Journal of Social Psychology and a number of invited seminars, one of which was recorded and has been viewed of 1,500 times.

Dr. Branney held an Economic and Social Research Council studentship at the University of Leeds and was a visiting doctoral student at Massey University, Aotearoa/New Zealand. He holds a BSc in psychology and philosophy international, an MSc in psychological approaches to health and a PhD in psychology. After completing his PhD in 2006, he joined the Centre for Men’s Health, Leeds Metropolitan University. In 2012, Peter transferred to the School of Social, Psychological and Communication Studies, Leeds Beckett University before joining the Division of Psychology at the University of Bradford in 2017. A student-focused educator, Dr. Branney has received awards from student bodies for his teaching in social psychology. Additionally, Dr. Branney has been an external examiner for undergraduate single and joint honours psychology programmes in the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore, and regularly receive invites to be an external expert for periodic reviews and an external examiner for doctorates.

Office Hours

Book directly into Dr Branney's diary for an in-person or virtual meeting here



  • Putting Health into Context - PSY7017-B
