Small arms, crime and conflict: Global governance and the threat of armed violence
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013)
Owen Greene is the author or co-author of 9 books and over 240 research articles, reports or book chapters, plus editor or co-editor of over 15 books, on questions relating to: conflict, security and development inter-relationships; fragile and conflict affected areas; peace-builing and statebuildng; arms export controls and supplier regimes (including EU, Wassenaar Arrangements, MTCR and NSG) and non-proliferation regimes; arms transparency and confidence-building measures; small arms and light weapons; conflict prevention; democratic governance, natural resource governance in fragile states; security, international assistance and co-operation in conflict-prone regions; security sector reform; regional security (especially Europe, sub-Saharan Africa. Middle East, and East Asia); and the development, implementation and effectiveness of international and regional co-operative arrangements relating to international security and international environmental problems. He has directed and co-directed numerous international research projects relevant to these field; and has been the coordinator or Director of several major Research, consultancy, educaiton and training contracts of the Univeristy of Bradford and governments and international organisations; , including Director of the Conflict, Security and Development (CSD), between the UK Department for International Development (DfID) and UK conflict prevention Pools (2002 - 2006); Swedish International Development Aid (Sida) Helpdesk on conflict, security, development and humantiraian aid (2006 - 2016); MOD Short Course Programme (2005 - present). Recent research and responsibilities have included consultants to the EU (including governance and conflict prevention in the Horn of Africa; community security in Lebanon; ; UK (DDR and Human SEcurity; DDR and Policing reform in DRC; Community Security in Ethiopia; Somalia Stabiliation and Al-Shabaab returnee programme); concultant to over 15 governments (including USA, Canada, Japan, Jamaica, Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden), Consultant to the UN, EU, and OSCE on small arms and Arms Trade Treaty -related issues; leader of EU Council mission to Cambodia on co-operation in tackling small arms; Team leader for FCO scoping study on conflict prevention in the Western Balkans; Scoping Study on Security Sector reform in Sub-Saharan Africa. Professor Greene has extensive and recent experience with conducting and overseeing projects relating to security, governance, conflict and conflict prevention in Eastern Europe, Former USSR/Central Asia; West Africa, East Africa, Horn of Africa; Southern Africa; Balkans and South Caucasus, the Caribbean; Middle East; and Asia (South; Central and East Asia).
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013)
Greene, Owen J.; Marsh, Nicholas (2012)
Greene, Owen J. (2014)
Greene O.;Penetrante A. (2013) Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global Governance and the Threat of Armed Violence. 138-159.
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013) Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global Governance and the Threat of Armed Violence. 248-262.
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013) Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global Governance and the Threat of Armed Violence. 163-182.
Greene O. (2013) Controlling Small Arms: Consolidation, Innovation and Relevance in Research and Policy. 257-285.
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013) Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global Governance and the Threat of Armed Violence. 79-104.
Bourne M.;Greene O. (2013) Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global Governance and the Threat of Armed Violence. 183-206.
Buxton, Julia; Greene, Owen J.; Salonius-Pasternak, C. (2006)
Greene O. (2005) The Environment and International Relations. 210-229.
Greene, Owen J. (2004)
Greene, Owen J.; Schutz, F. (2003)
Greene O.;Marsh N. (2013), 1-10.
Greene, Owen J.; Hiscock, D.; Flew, C. (2008)
Parson E.;Greene O. (1995) Environment. 37, 16-35.
Greene, Owen J.; Svensson, N.; Midgely, T.; Auma, E. (2015)
Greene, Owen J.; Quick, I. (2015)
Greene, Owen J. (2015)
Greene, Owen J.; Morris, K.; Paasiaro, M. (2015)
Greene, Owen J.; Berts, H.; Njeri, Sarah (2015)
Greene, Owen J. (2009)
Greene, Owen J.; Kirkham, E.; Bourne, Mike; Godnick, William H. (2006)
Greene O. (1993) Environmental Politics.
Greene O. (1987) Medicine and war.
Greene, Owen J.; Rynn, Simon (2008)