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Emergency Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Awards 2019/20

1. Introduction

1.1 These Emergency Academic Regulations were approved by Senate on 14 May 2020 under Force Majeure provisions set out in Addendum 1 of the Standard Regulations. (Regulations 2, and 7)

1.2 Wherever possible, the principles and provisions of the standard Academic Regulations are retained in full and where amendments have been made these are designed to support student achievement while maintaining academic standards and the integrity of the University’s awards.

1.3 In operationalising these Emergency Regulations through the University’s administrative processes and system of academic governance, every effort will be made to enact standard procedures.

2. Application of the Regulations

2.1 Status and Scope

2.1.1 Scope:

These Emergency Regulations will supervise all University of Bradford Undergraduate awards, including those programmes with an associated Foundation Year, regardless of location or mode of delivery. They will apply in their entirety to all Undergraduate programmes, including integrated Masters, and to all students undertaking those awards, unless formal exemption has been approved by, or on behalf of, Senate.

2.1.2 Awards of the University Offered by Partner Institutions:

Where other institutions deliver awards of the University under partnership or franchise arrangements, those institutions and awards are bound by these Emergency Regulations unless formal exemption has been approved by, or on behalf of, Senate.

2.1.5 Duration and Authority:

Subject to approved exemptions (see Section 2.2), these Regulations will apply to all students studying programmes of the University that have been affected by emergency conditions or the until the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) formally rescinds their authority and application.

2.2 Exemption from the Regulations

Exemption from these Emergency Assessment Regulations must be sought from and approved by Senate.

2.2.1 Approval:

Exemption from these Emergency Regulations will normally only be approved if one or more of the following criteria is met:

  • To meet specified requirements or expectations of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) or other such external bodies that accredit awards of the University.
  • To meet specified requirements of bodies/organisations/agencies that sponsor students to study at the University or otherwise require students to provide certain evidence of engagement/study.
  • To enable international exchange students to complete specific requirements of their home university/institution
  • Where students are studying specific programmes, and/or studying in specific modes and/or are at a point in their studies where only a small proportion of the overall credit for the target award has been affected.
  • To enable specific cohorts of students or individual students to transfer to another University or Higher Education Provider.

Any such exemption must be approved by, or on behalf of, Senate. A list of approved exemptions is maintained and published on the University website.

3. General Provisions

3.1 Recognition of Prior Learning

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the Recognition of Prior Learning shall apply.

3.2 Academic Integrity

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to Academic Integrity shall apply. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of the Statement of Authenticity for the submission of work online.

3.3 Academic Misconduct

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to Academic Misconduct shall apply.

3.4 Extensions on Assessed Work

All students will be permitted an automatic 14-day extension for all non-time bound assessments submitted between 1 March 2020 and 30 June 2020. The University will review this timeframe in light of the emergency conditions and reserves the right to extend the period if necessary.

3.5 Extenuating Circumstances

3.5.1 Claims for Extenuating Circumstances for assessments with a deadline before 1 March 2020

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to Extenuating Circumstances shall apply to all assessments with a submission deadline between 16 September 2019 and 28 February 2020.

3.5.2 Claims for Extenuating Circumstances assessments with a deadline after 1 March 2020

All students will automatically be granted Extenuating Circumstances from the 1 March 2020 up to 30 June 2020 subject to the following conditions. Award of Extenuating Circumstances where no submission is made

Where a student is unable to make a submission for the stated deadline for assignments up to 30 June 2020 (inclusive of the right to a 14-day extension detailed in Section 3.4), no formal claim needs to be submitted. Such claims will be approved by way of automatic right and no evidence shall be required to substantiate the case. The appropriate Assessment Committee or Board of Examiners will defer consideration of the affected module(s) until a subsequent meeting and confirm that the student is entitled to an additional attempt without penalty (i.e. at the same attempt number). Award of Extenuating Circumstances where performance has been negatively impacted

Where a student has made a submission for an assignment by the stated deadline for assignments up to 30 June 2020 (inclusive of the right to a 14-day extension detailed in 3.4), but feels that their performance has been compromised, a claim can be submitted to have extenuating circumstances taken into account by the appropriate Assessment Committee or Board of Examiners. Claims must be submitted within ten working days of the date results are released.

Such claims will be approved by way of automatic right and no evidence shall be required to substantiate the case. The appropriate Assessment Committee or Board of Examiners will defer consideration of the affected module(s) until a subsequent meeting and confirm that the student is entitled to an additional attempt without penalty (i.e. at the same attempt number).

3.6 Penalties for the Late Submission of Work

Notwithstanding the provisions set out in Sections 3.4. and 3.5, the standard Regulations and penalties for the late submission of work shall apply.

3.7 Notification of Assessment Results

Notwithstanding the provisions set out in Section 3.7.1 the standard procedures and arrangements for the notification of results shall apply.

3.7.1 Communication of Results to Students

Notwithstanding any changes to the published academic calendar, standard procedures and arrangements for the communication of results to students shall apply. Where changes to the published academic calendar are approved, these shall be communicated to students at the earliest opportunity.

3.8 The Award of Fall Back / Intermediate Awards

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the conferral of intermediate / Fall Back awards shall apply subject to the following amendments.

3.8.1 the award of a CertHE for students considered under Cohort Progression arrangements

Where students have been progressed from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of an undergraduate programme under the emergency Cohort Progression provisions set out in Section 5.6.2, students who subsequently fail to meet the requirements to progress to the next Stage of the programme or otherwise choose to withdraw from their programme of studies shall not be entitled to be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education.

In such cases, students shall be offered the opportunity to restudy relevant modules to achieve the requirements of the award or otherwise be conferred a Certificate of Continuing Education if sufficient module credit has been attained to merit its award.

Where students have been progressed from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of an undergraduate programme under the emergency Cohort Progression provisions set out in Section 5.6.2, and subsequently progress to a later Stage of the programme then the general Level 4 Stage credit will contribute to any higher-level intermediate awards.

3.9 Suspension of Studies

Where possible, the standard Regulations and procedures relating to the suspension of studies shall apply. In instances where this would unduly disadvantage a student or cohort of students, an additional 1 year of suspension may be granted.

3.10 Student Withdrawal

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to student withdrawal shall apply.

3.11 Maximum Period of Registration

Notwithstanding the provisions described in Section 3.9, Wherever possible, the standard Regulations relating to the maximum period of registration should be applied.

However, a Board of Examiners may exercise its discretion to authorise an extension to the University’s normal Maximum Period of Registration where it deems a student would be treated unfairly or otherwise be unduly disadvantaged if the standard regulations were applied.

3.12 Posthumous Awards

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the conferral of Posthumous Awards shall apply.

3.13 Aegrotat Awards

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the conferral of Aegrotat Awards shall apply.

3.14 Revocation of Awards

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the revocation of awards of the University shall apply.

3.15 Right to Academic Appeal

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the academic appeal shall apply subject to the following amendment:

Appeals must be submitted within 20 working days of date results are released.

4. The Assessment of Students

4.1 Academic Governance

The University’s two-tier system of academic governance employed to oversee and determine the outcome of student assessment will be utilised to discharge the Emergency Assessment Regulations.

This system is conducted sequentially through Assessment Committees and Boards of Examiners.

4.1.1 Operation of Assessment Committees and Boards of Examiners in Exceptional Circumstances.

In recognition of the exceptional circumstances necessitating the implementation of these Emergency Academic Regulations, a revised set of Terms of Reference will supervise decision-making with respect to ratifying marks, approving supplementary assessment opportunities, progressing students between Stages of a programme, and conferring awards. These Terms of Reference are set out in Appendix A.

Each meeting of an Assessment Committee and Board of Examiners will make judgements on student performance within its revised terms of reference and minute the basis on which decisions are made. The outcomes of its deliberations will be recorded in the Student Information System (SITS) using the approved codes.

4.2 Module Assessment

The standard pass criteria for all modules shall apply. Where a waiver has previously been approved detailing non-standard or additional pass criteria, this shall stand.

4.3 Supplementary Assessment

4.3.1 Limit to Supplementary Reassessment

Students who fail any module at the first attempt will be provided with an opportunity as of right to make good the failure through reassessment. There is no limit to the number of modules eligible for supplementary assessment.

4.3.2 The Timing of Supplementary Assessment

Subject to the provisions relating to Referral detailed in Section 4.4. supplementary assessment will normally take place during the formally designated supplementary assessment period. This period may be extended or rescheduled due to the prevailing exceptional circumstances.

4.3.3 Calculation of Module Marks following Supplementary Assessment

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the calculation and capping of marks following supplementary assessment shall apply.

4.4 Module Failure after Supplementary Assessment

4.4.1 Referral (Trailing Credits)

Students will be permitted, as of right, to progress to the next Stage of the programme and trail up to a maximum of 40 module credits in order to attempt the module(s) again without attendance.

This is subject to the following criteria:

i. The student has not previously been permitted to trail the module(s).

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the calculation and capping of marks following referral shall apply.

4.5 Repeating Modules or a Stage of a Programme

Notwithstanding the provisions set out in Section 4.4.1, the standard regulations relating to repeating modules or a Stage of a programme shall apply subject to the following amendment.

Where a student does not meet the appropriate progression profile set out in 5.6.1 to 5.6.4 below, if the total number of credits failed is over 40 credits and up to a maximum of 70 credits, students will be required to repeat modules with attendance.

Where a student does not meet the appropriate progression profile set out in 5.6.1 to 5.6.4 below, if the total number of credits failed is 80 credits or more students will be required to repeat the stage with attendance

The amendments will apply regardless of the attempt status of the modules up to a maximum of 3 attempts.

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the calculation and capping of marks following supplementary assessment shall apply.

4.6 Substitution of Modules

The standard regulations and procedures relating to the substitution of modules shall apply.

5. Progression

5.1 Scope and Application

The Emergency Academic Regulations governing student progression apply to all University of Bradford Undergraduate and Integrated Masters awards, including those programmes with an associated Foundation Year unless specific exemption has been approved by, or on behalf of, Senate.

5.2 General Principles of Progression

A student will automatically progress from one Stage of the programme to the next if the requirements of the current Stage have been satisfied. These are defined in Section 5.6.

5.3 General Provisions

With the exception of the provisions detailed in Section 5.4 relating to part-time students, the appropriate Board of Examiners will make a formal progression decision for every student registered on a University of Bradford Award. This includes the provisions set out in the standard Regulations to to:

a) Pass the student and confirm that they are able to progress to the next Stage of the programme.

b) Confirm module compensation in up to 20 credits at each Stage of a programme. In such cases, credits will be awarded to the compensated module. The details of this are set out in Section 5.5.

c) Implement the outcomes and/or recommendations of Academic Misconduct procedures;

d) Defer consideration of a student’s results until a subsequent meeting of the Board.

e) Confer primary target awards or intermediate awards.

f) Withdraw a student from their programme of study if, having exhausted all opportunities to retrieve failure, the required progression profile has not been achieved.

In addition, the Emergency Regulations permit Boards to:

g) Condone the non-completion of modules and award general stage credit in circumstances where Cohort Progression is permitted as defined in Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.2.

h) Refer students in up to 40 credits and confirm such credit will be trailed into the next Stage.

Such students will be progressed notwithstanding the trailed module(s). The details of this are set out in Section 4.4.1.

5.4 Management and Progression of Part-time Students

The appropriate Board of Examiners will consider the profile of each part-time student registered on a University of Bradford Award. However, a formal decision on progression, including the award of compensation, will only be taken when the student has met the minimum profile for progression set out in Section 5.6. Until such a time the appropriate Assessment Committee or Board of Examiners has the power to:

a) Confirm that the student is able to continue their studies into the next academic year

b) Offer supplementary assessment opportunities;

c) Implement the outcomes and/or recommendations of Academic Misconduct procedures;

d) Defer consideration of a student’s results until a subsequent meeting.

e) Confer intermediate awards;

f) Withdraw a student from the programme.

5.5 Compensation of Failed Module(s)

The standard Regulations and procedures relating to the compensation of failed modules, the award of credit, and the calculation of module marks shall apply.

5.6 Progression between the Stages of a Programme

5.6.1 Progression between Stage 0 and Stage 1 (Cohort Progression)

Subject to approved exceptions, students will automatically be entitled to progress to Stage 1 of an appropriate University of Bradford programme under emergency Cohort Progression provisions if they meet or exceed the following profile:

i. Be enrolled on the appropriate modules of a relevant University of Bradford Foundation Studies programme on 1 March 2020.

ii. Be a current student (status defined in SITS) of the University at the time the Board meets.

iii. No unresolved investigation(s) relating to allegations of academic misconduct in assessments which contribute towards credit for the stage

iv. No breach to the academic misconduct regulations has been found to have been committed in modules which contribute towards credit for the stage.

Where this profile is achieved the student will be permitted to progress to Stage 1 of an appropriate programme.

5.6.2 Progression between Stage 1 and Stage 2 (Cohort Progression)

Subject to approved exceptions, students will automatically progress to Stage 2 of the programme under emergency Cohort Progression provisions if they meet or exceed the following profile:

i. Be enrolled on the appropriate modules of a relevant University of Bradford degree programme on 1 March 2020.

ii. Be a current student (status defined in SITS) of the University at the time the Board meets.

iii. No unresolved investigation(s) relating to allegations of academic misconduct in assessments which contribute towards credit for the stage

iv. No breach to the academic misconduct regulations has been found to have been committed in modules which contribute towards credit for the stage.

Where this progression profile is achieved the student will be permitted to progress to Stage 2 of the programme.

5.6.3 Progression between Stage 2 and Stage 3

In order to progress to the next stage of the programme students must have attained or exceeded the following profile:

i. Passed 80 module credits in the current Stage;

ii. Attained 120 credits in any and all previous Stages of the programme;

Where this progression profile is achieved the student will be permitted to progress to the Stage 3 of the programme.

5.6.4 Progression between Stage 3 and Stage 4 (for Integrated Master’s programmes)

In order to progress to the next stage of the programme students must have attained or exceeded the following profile:

i. Passed 80 module credits in the current Stage;

ii. Attained 120 credits in any and all previous Stages of the programme;

Where this progression profile is achieved the student will be permitted to progress to the Stage 4 of the programme.

Where this progression profile is achieved the student will be permitted to progress to the next Stage of the programme.

5.6.5 Progression trailing Referred Modules

Where a student has passed 80 module credits in the current Stage and has attained 120 credits in any and all previous Stages of the programme, the Board of Examiners will confirm that the student is permitted to progress to the next Stage of the programme.

Where Boards progress students under these provisions, they shall also require the production of an individual Student Support Plan detailing the measures the Faculty will take to support students to recover trailed modules.

5.6.6 Students Failing or unable to complete a Placement / International Experience Year

While progression to the subsequent Stage of the associated target award is not dependent on passing the Placement / International Experience Year, Boards of Examiners can exercise their discretion to:

a) Disregard the requirement that students complete a minimum of 36 weeks in professional placement / international experience in considering and ratifying the outcomes of assessment


b) Offer students supplementary assessment opportunities as a first or second attempt as appropriate

5.6.7 Progression Profile for Award Eligibility

The standard Regulations for progression for award eligibility apply. Students will only be considered for an award of the University if they have satisfied the general credit requirements for the award and have satisfied the specific learning outcomes of the programme at the appropriate FHEQ level.

6. Eligibility for Award

6.1 Eligibility for the Award of Integrated Degree of Master

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.2 Eligibility for the Award of Honours Degree

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.3 Eligibility for the Award of Ordinary Degree

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.4 Eligibility for the Award of Foundation Degree

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.5 Eligibility for the Award of Diploma of Higher Education

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.6 Eligibility for the Award of Certificate of Higher Education

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply except where students have been progressed from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of an undergraduate programme under the emergency Cohort Progression provisions set out in Section 5.6.2. In such cases, students who fail to meet the requirements to progress to the subsequent Stage of the programme, normally Stage 3, or otherwise choose to withdraw from their programme of studies shall not be entitled to be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education on the basis of Stage-level credit alone.

6.8 Eligibility for the Award Certificate of Continuing Education

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

6.9 Eligibility for the Award of University Diploma in Industrial Studies/International Industrial Studies/International Professional Practice

Standard eligibility criteria and credit requirements for the award shall apply.

7. Classification and Grading of Awards

7.1 General Provisions

All classifications and grades of University of Bradford undergraduate awards shall be calculated using the standard algorithm subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net.

Subject to approved exceptions, students will be awarded the higher class produced by either the standard algorithm or the Safety Net.

Only credit obtained through study on University of Bradford programmes can be used to calculate degree classifications, including calculations that utilise the Safety Net Baseline described below.

Credits obtained through study at other higher education providers or through the provisions set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy may contribute towards an award of the University but marks and/or grades associated with that credit will not be used for the purposes of classifying or grading awards.

7.2 Academic Performance Safety Net

7.2.1 General Principles

The Academic Performance Safety Net establishes a benchmark of student performance/achievement below which the overall results for a programme or Stage of a programme cannot fall. This benchmark is called the Safety Net Baseline.

Where possible, the Safety Net will constitute a Stage or Programme Average derived from actual performance/achievement in ‘unaffected assessments’ undertaken in the current academic year.

An ‘unaffected assessment’ is defined as any assessment or examination with a submission date before 1 March 2020. Use of Rounding in Calculating Marks, Averages, and Safety Nets

Standard regulations will apply to the use of rounding in component and module marks, and in stage averages, award Averages and the calculation of degree classification. The Safety Net Baseline will be shown to one decimal place. Rounding to the nearest whole number will not apply to the calculation of the Safety Net Baseline, or to the calculation of the difference between the Safety Net Baseline and the award average.

Where the Safety Net Baseline is provisional (as described in Section 7.2.4 and 7.2.6) it will be shown to one decimal point. Rounding to the nearest whole number will not apply to any calculation using the Provisional Safety Net Baseline for the purposes of calculating the Firm Safety Net Baseline.

7.2.2 Reliability Tolerance of the Academic Performance Safety Net

The calculation of the Safety Net Baseline must be based on a mean mark derived from sufficient credit for it to provide a reliable indication of achievement. This is defined as the reliability tolerance of the Safety Net.

For Undergraduate and Integrated Masters awards, including those with an associated Foundation year, the reliability tolerance will be the equivalent of 50% the total credits of the relevant stage (normally 60 credits).

If insufficient credit has been accumulated in the current stage (i.e. where the reliability tolerance is not met by credits in the current Stage), achievement in the previous Stage will be included within the calculation. This is described in 7.2.3 below.

If there is no prior University of Bradford-based Stage (for example, in respect of students who have directly transferred into an advanced Stage of a programme or who enrol with advanced standing), then the benchmark will be provisional until sufficient credit has been accumulated to confirm the value of the actual baseline. This is called the Provision Safety Net Baseline. The procedures for calculating Provisional Safety Net Baselines are set out in Section 7.2.4 and the operation of these in determining classifications is detailed in Section 7.2.6

7.2.3 Calculation of the Safety Net Baseline

The University will determine the credit value of all the assessments in the 2019/20 academic year with submission dates before 1 March 2020 taking into account both the number of credits for the respective module(s) and the percentage contribution of each assessment to the module.

A total, credit-weighted, average of all these assessments will be calculated.

If the total credit value of the unaffected assessments meets the threshold reliability tolerance (i.e. is ≥50% of the total credits comprising the Stage), then the credit-weighted average of those assessments will determine the Firm Safety Net Baseline.

If the total credit value of the unaffected assessments in the current academic year does not meet the threshold reliability tolerance (i.e. it is less than 50% of the credits comprising Stage), then the ‘missing credits’ (i.e. to make up 60) will be assigned a value equal to the Award Average from the previous Stage (following the standard Regulations, the Award Average is calculated on a pro rata basis, using the marks for the best 100 credits obtained at that Stage). The average across the full 60 credits then forms the Firm Safety Net Baseline.

7.2.4 Calculation of the Provisional Safety Net Baseline

In instances where the reliability tolerance is not met to establish a Safety Net Baseline from credit studied in the current Stage, and it is not possible to make up the remaining credits from a prior University of Bradford Stage as described in 7.2.3, a Provisional Safety Net Benchmark will be calculated using the weighted mean average of unaffected assessments completed within the current Stage.

7.2.5 Use of the Firm Safety Net Baseline in determining overall classifications and grades Where the Award Average exceeds the Firm Safety Net Baseline

If the credit-weighted mean of ratified marks for all assessments that contribute to the Award Average exceeds the Safety Net Baseline, then this shall stand as the overall Stage result and be used for the purposes of determining overall classifications and grades.

Following the standard regulations, the Award Average shall be calculated, where necessary on a pro rata basis, using the marks for the best 100 credits obtained at a given Stage of a programme. Where the Firm Safety Net Baseline exceeds the Award Average

If the Firm Safety Net Baseline is higher than the credit-weighted mean of ratified marks for all assessments that contribute to the Award Average for the Stage, then the Baseline shall stand as the overall stage result and be used for the purposes of determining overall classifications and grades.

7.2.6 Use of the Provisional Safety Net Baseline in determining overall classifications and grades

Following the completion of the Stage, the Boards of Examiners will compare the Provisional Safety Net Baseline with overall performance (i.e. affected and unaffected assessments) calculated as the Award Average. Following the standard regulations, the Award Average shall be calculated, where necessary on a pro rata basis, using the marks for the best 100 credits obtained at a given Stage of a programme. If the Award Average exceeds the Provisional Safety Net Baseline

Where the Award Average for the given Stage exceeds the Provisional Safety Net Baseline then the Award Average shall stand as the overall Stage result and be used for the purposes of determining overall classifications. If the Provisional Safety Net Baseline exceeds the Award Average by no more than 5p.p

Where the Provisional Safety Net Baseline for a given Stage exceeds Award Average by no more than 5 percentage points, then the Board of Examiners shall ratify Provisional Safety Net Baseline as the Firm Safety Net Baseline and it will be used for the purposes of determining overall classifications and grades. If the Provisional Safety Net Baseline exceeds the Award Average by more than 5p.p

Where the Provisional Safety Net Baseline exceeds Award Average by more than 5 percentage points, then Board the Board of Examiners shall determine that the Firm Safety Net Baseline will be the weighted mean of the Provisional Safety Net Baseline and the weighted mean affected assessments and it will be used for the purposes of determining overall classifications and grades.

7.3 Classification of Degree of Bachelor

Subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net described in Section 7.2, the standard regulations relating to the classification of the Degree of Bachelor shall apply.

7.4 Classification of Ordinary Degrees

Subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net described in Section 7.2, the standard regulations relating to the classification of Ordinary Degrees shall apply.

7.5 Grading of Foundation Degrees

Subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net described in Section 7.2, the standard regulations relating to the grading of Foundation Degrees shall apply.

7.6 Grading of Diploma of Higher Education

Subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net described in Section 7.2, the standard regulations relating to the grading of Diplomas of Higher Education shall apply.

7.7 Grading of Certificate of Higher Education

Subject to the application of the Academic Performance Safety Net described in Section 7.2, the standard regulations relating to the grading of Certificates of Higher Education shall apply.

7.8 Grading of Certificates of Continuing Education

The University’s award of Certificate of Higher Education is awarded without grades.