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Alkestid standing in front of a building in Belgium.

Global opportunities: studying abroad
Bradford Life Blog

Alkestid has been studying at the University of Bradford since 2018. He shares his academic journey with us and all the exciting places it has taken him.

Since 2018, my educational journey at the University of Bradford has been extraordinary. The University's commitment to fostering a global perspective laid the groundwork for transformative experiences. From Bradford to Istanbul, Austria to Indonesia, my academic pursuits have taken me on a whirlwind of adventures and learning.

Entrepreneurs across borders in Bahrain

Alkestid posing with fellow placement students.

Commencing my undergraduate journey in 2018, the University of Bradford quickly became my academic home. The vibrant campus provided not only a world-class education but also a platform for personal growth.

During this time, I delved into entrepreneurship during a short but impactful trip to Bahrain, igniting a passion for global business and shaping my academic journey.

Digital marketing and social media in Istanbul

In 2020, my academic pursuits led me to Istanbul for a unique summer program blending study and work.

The city's rich history provided a backdrop for an immersive learning experience. Engaging with local businesses, I gained insights transcending traditional classroom learning.

Istanbul's cultural tapestry became a canvas for personal and professional development.

Entrepreneurship in the service sector in Innsbruck

Continuing in 2022, I participated in a summer school in Austria. Nestled amidst breathtaking alpine landscapes, the program focused on entrepreneurship.

The combination of academic rigour and the serene Austrian environment created an ideal setting for intellectual and personal growth. Connections made during this period transcended borders, fostering a global network invaluable in future endeavours.

International politics and governance in Indonesia

Alkestid posing with fellow summer school students.

From the mountains of Austria to the tropical landscapes of Indonesia, my academic exploration took an exciting turn into international politics and governance.

The month-long study programme provided a unique opportunity to immerse myself in socio-political dynamics. Engaging with local communities and policymakers, I gained a first-hand understanding of challenges and opportunities, fuelling a passion for positive global change.

Negotiations and leadership in Kosovo

Alkestid posing with fellow students and officials in a meeting room.

Kosovo became my next destination, where I delved into the intricacies of negotiations and leadership.

Immersed in a dynamic and culturally rich environment, I navigated through the complexities of diplomatic interactions. Engaging with experts and fellow students, I honed skills invaluable in both professional and personal spheres.

Business engineering in Germany

Alkestid posing with fellow placement students in an open field.

As my first Master's journey concluded, I transitioned into a second Master's programme in 2023.

This phase of my academic journey brought me to Germany for a summer school focused on business engineering. The programme, at the intersection of business and technology, provided a holistic understanding of how these domains intertwine to drive innovation.

Collaborating with international peers and industry experts, I gained practical insights complementing my academic foundation.

Urban logistics in Belgium

My academic sojourn continued in Belgium, where urban logistics became the focal point of my studies.

The juxtaposition of medieval architecture and modern logistical challenges created a unique backdrop for understanding the complexities of urban planning. Engaging with local experts and exploring real-world applications, I gained a nuanced understanding of how logistics shapes the urban landscape, fuelling a commitment to sustainable urban development.


Reflecting on the tapestry of experiences during my academic journey at the University of Bradford, I am grateful for the opportunities and perspectives gained.

Each location brought challenges and triumphs, contributing to my growth as a global citizen and lifelong learner. The University of Bradford not only provided a strong academic foundation but also opened doors to a world of exploration and discovery.

Find out more about studying abroad.

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