Sara Douggen
Information about Sara Douggen at the University of Bradford.
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I originally trained and studied chemistry, graduating in 1996 whilst working full time for what was then Allied Colloids. After graduation what was going to be a gap year turned into a career change I worked and travelled overseas for several years spending winters in the French Alps and Summers on the beaches of Cornwall, Spain and Mexico. My experiences inspired me to go into paramedicine and I joined the ambulance service in 2006 as an Emergency Medical Technician, progressing to the role of a Paramedic in 2009. I worked for many years in Bradford before changing roles and moving to Leeds to work as a clinical educator in 2016. I was working in partnership with the University of Bradford and developed the clinical teaching for the launch of the BSc in Paramedic Science in the same year. I moved to work for the university full time in 2020 and I am the Year Two Lead and Lead for Simulation for the course.In my spare time I enjoy wakeboarding and wakesurfing spending most of my days off on the water, and am am still snowboarding and skiing in winter when I get the chance.