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Martin Fitzgerald,
Professional Lead/Assistant Professor

Information about Martin Fitzgerald at the University of Bradford.

Sch. of Allied Health Prof. & Midwifery
(Faculty of Health Studies)
+44 1274 236592
Photo of Mr Martin Fitzgerald


I was born and raised in the lower South Island of New Zealand, in the province of Otago. On leaving school I attended the University of Otago and completed a BA in Anthropology and Philosophy. On graduation I went traveling overseas. I qualified in 1997 as an occupational therapist from the Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. I have worked as an occupational therapist in learning disabilities and mental health for the past 22 years. This is my second career. I used to work in the music industry as a promotor; managing bands, venues. music events and collage radio. It was however while working as a volunteer in a homeless night shelter in London that I first became interested in mental health and occupational therapy. In 1994 I returned to New Zealand to start my occupational therapy training. On graduation I worked in learning disabilities, but after two years I returned to the UK and worked on acute psychiatric wards. For most of my clinical career I have managed an occupational therapy service in a low secure and step down from secure hospitals for patients who are detained under the Mental Health Act and who experience serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. In 2009 I completed my MSc in Psychosocial Interventions at the University of Sheffield. In 2015 I took on a clinical academic role which meant I worked for an NHS Trust and the University of Bradford as a Lecturer and a Clinician. Whist working as a clinical academic, I developed three main areas of research: (1). The development of technology based interventions to engage hard to reach patients in their treatment (2). The development of evidence to support the role of the occupational therapist in the assessment and treatment of serious mental illness and (3). The development of family work Interventions in secure services. In 2018 I commenced my PhD studies at the University of Bradford. I was fortunate, at this time, to be award a £15 000 grant from the Constance Owens Trust (2017) PhD Award to support my research. My PhD project involves the co-design and co-development of a serious game intervention to engage service users who experience SMI and staff who work with them in activities that promote recovery. I hope to submit my thesis in 2023.


2015 – Co Lead, Mental health App Proof of Concept development and Evaluation. University of Bradford, Bradford District Care Trust. Sponsor: Health Education Yorkshire and Humber 2014 - The development and evaluation of a serious game intervention to support the recovery of detained service users in long-stay rehabilitation services who experience serious mental illness. Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, University of Central Lancashire, University of Bradford. 2011 - Peer reviewer for the Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 2009 - Research Assistant. INSPIRE: Investigating Staff Patient Interactions and Relationships: An evaluation study. School of Psychological Sciences University of Manchester. Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust R&D panel member. 2008 - Chief Investigator. Social Inclusion Study. The Efficacy of an Occupational Therapy Social Inclusion Programme for Patients with SMI at a Forensic, Low Secure Rehabilitation Service. Research and Development Department, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Researcher Assistant. Snapshot assessment of security need, quality of life, substance misuse and risk of violence and aggression in the North West, low secure mental health, population. Sponsor: North West Secure Commission. 2006 - Chief Investigator. Recovery Styles and Insight Study. Comparison of Recovery Style and Insight of Patients with Severe Mental Illness in Secure Services with those in Community Services. ScHARR, University of Sheffield. I am currently involved in two research projects: The development of a porotype digital technology intervention (mobile application) for people engaged in an early intervention in psychosis service The development of a serious game intervention to engage detained patients who experience serious mental illness in their recovery process. 2015 – Co Lead, Mental health App Proof of Concept development and Evaluation. University of Bradford, Bradford District Care Trust. Sponsor: Health Education Yorkshire and Humber 2009 - Research Assistant. INSPIRE: Investigating Staff Patient Interactions and Relationships: An evaluation study. School of Psychological Sciences University of Manchester. Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust R&D panel member. 2008 - Researcher Assistant. Snapshot assessment of security need, quality of life, substance misuse and risk of violence and aggression in the North West, low secure mental health, population. Sponsor: North West Secure Commission.

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Mr Martin Fitzgerald is as follows:

  • Serious Games Institute
  • Allied Health Professions Network
  • British Association of Occupational Therapists and Collage of Occupational Therapists
  • Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
  • Design in Mental Health Network
  • Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand


  • University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand - BA
  • University of Sheffield - MSc
  • Auckland Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand - BSc
  • University of Bradford - PCG


  • Spectrum Care - Occupational Therapist in the year 1997 (specified as 01/01/1997)
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust - Clinical Supervisor in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • North Manchester General Hospital - Senior Occupational Therapist in the year 2000 (specified as 01/01/2000)
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust - Guest Lecturer, Panel Member OT Programme Management Team in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust - Occupational Therapy Service Manager in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust - Clinical Supervisor in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust - Recovery Lead in the year 2009 (specified as 01/01/2009)
  • Pennine Care NHS Trust - Head III Occupational Therapist in the year 2002 (specified as 01/01/2002)


There are 12 publications involving or that are attributed to Mr Martin Fitzgerald. They are listed as:

  • editorial (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (11)


Martin Fitzgerald has 1 publication(s) listed under editorial.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Maintaining Professional Identity and Role in the Modern Workplace 2014 Fitzgerald, Martin

Peer Reviewed Journal

Martin Fitzgerald has 11 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Serious games, gamification and serious mental illness: A scoping review 2020 Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 15 Fitzgerald, M; Ratcliffe Lisa B. Dixon, M.D., M.P.H. American Psychiatric Association doi: 10.1176/
A participatory mobile application (app) development project with mental health service users and clinicians 2018 Health Education Journal 77 815 - 827 McClelland G.;Fitzgerald M. 0017-8969 Sage 10.1177/0017896918773790
Role emerging placements in undergraduate occupational therapy training: a case study 2017 Fitzgerald, Martin; Smith, A.K.; Rehman, N.; Taylor, M.
The potential role of the occupational therapist in acute psychiatric services: A comparative evaluation 2016 Fitzgerald, Martin
What makes a mobile app successful in supporting health behaviour change? 2016 Health Education Journal 76 373 - 381 Fitzgerald M.;McClelland T. 0017-8969 10.1177/0017896916681179
The design, development and trial of a serious game intervention for low secure service users who experience serious mental illness. 2013 JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICE 17 Fitzgerald M. & Kirk G. RCNi (United Kingdom) DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2010.01668.x
A description and evaluation of a challenging behaviour workshop. 2012 International Journal of Mental Health 21 Berry. K., Barrowclough C., Fitzgerald M., Hartley. S., Innes. C. and Haddock G.
Family Work in Occupational Therapy: A case study from a rehabilitation and high support service 2012 75 Fitzgerald, M. M., Kirk, G. D. & Blythe C. RCOT
Description and evaluation of a serious game intervention to engage low secure service users with serious mental illness in the design and refurbishment of their environment. 2011 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC & MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 4 Fitzgerald, M. M., Kirk, G. D. & Bristow, C. A ohn Wiley & Sons.
An evaluation of the impact of a social inclusion programme on occupational functioning for forensic service users. 2011 British Journal of Occupational Therapy 74 Fitzgerald, M. M. RCOT DOI: 10.4276/030802211X13182481841903
Comparison of Recovery Style and Insight of Patients with Severe Mental Illness in Secure Services with those in Community Services 2009 Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 17 Fitzgerald M. M John Wiley & Sons.