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Dr. Lynn Mcvey

Information about Dr. Lynn Mcvey at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Lynn Mcvey


I've worked for over 10 years in research, starting with the Born in Bradford research project at the Bradford Institute for Health Research, before undertaking my PhD in psychotherapy and counselling at the University of Leeds. My doctoral research explored how therapists use their implicit inner experiencing, including mental imagery, fleeting memories and daydreams (also known as reverie) to connect and empathise with clients. After completing my PhD, I worked on a realist study at the University of Leeds to develop and evaluate a web-based, interactive quality dashboard for national clinical audit data, and I'm now working at the University of Bradford on a further realist project. This research aims to determine how and in what contexts multifactorial falls risk assessment and tailored falls prevention interventions are used as intended on a routine basis in acute hospitals in the NHS in England.


With a background in psychotherapy & counselling, my research interests focus on investigating people's cognitive and emotional responses to healthcare interventions, whether these derive from human intersubjective interactions (as in counselling) or are digitally-based. I'm also fascinated by the use of empathy & imagination in qualitative research, related to the psychotherapeutic notion of 'reverie'.


There are 18 publications involving or that are attributed to Dr. Lynn Mcvey. They are listed as:

  • book chapter (1)
  • conference publication (3)
  • other journal (1)
  • peer reviewed journal (13)

Book Chapter

Dr. Lynn Mcvey has 1 publication(s) listed under book chapter.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
A chocolate Santa: Imaging the liminal moment with reverie in research 2020 Extending Horizons in Helping and Caring Therapies: Beyond the Liminal in the Healing Encounter Extending Horizons in Helping and Caring Therapies: Beyond the Liminal in the Healing Encounter 130 - 141 McVey, L. 9781138387454 Routledge

Conference Publication

Dr. Lynn Mcvey has 3 publication(s) listed under conference publication.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Variation in national clinical audit data capture: Is using routine data the answer? 2019 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 264 1658 - 1659 Dowding D.W.;Alvarado N.;McVey L.;Mamas M.;Randell R. 0926-9630 10.3233/SHTI190583
Requirements for a quality dashboard: Lessons from National Clinical Audits 2019 AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings / Randell R, Alvarado N, McVey L, Ruddle RA, Doherty P, Gale C, Mamas M, Dowding D
From taxonomy to requirements: A task space partitioning approach 2019 Proceedings - 7th Biennial Workshop Evaluation and Beyond: Methodological Approaches for Visualization, BELIV 2018 Proceedings - 7th Biennial Workshop Evaluation and Beyond: Methodological Approaches for Visualization, BELIV 2018 19 - 27 Elshehaly M.;Alvarado N.;McVey L.;Randell R.;Mamas M.;Ruddle R.A. 9781538668849 10.1109/BELIV.2018.8634027

Other Journal

Dr. Lynn Mcvey has 1 publication(s) listed under other journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Sharing a living room: Empathy, reverie and connection 2018 Self and Society Self and Society 46 51 - 57 McVey, L.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Dr. Lynn Mcvey has 13 publication(s) listed under peer reviewed journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
Working together: reflections on how to make public involvement in research work. 2023 Research Involvement And Engagement 9 McVey L;Frost T;Issa B;Davison E;Abdulkader J;Randell R;Alvarado N;Zaman H;Hardiker N;Cheong VL;Woodcock D; 2056-7529 10.1186/s40900-023-00427-4
Analysis of a Web-Based Dashboard to Support the Use of National Audit Data in Quality Improvement: Realist Evaluation 2021 Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 Alvarado, N., McVey, L., Elshehaly, M., Greenhalgh, J., Dowding, D., Ruddle, R., Gale, C.P., Mamas, M., Doherty, P., West, R. and Feltbower, R.
QualDash: Adaptable Generation of Visualisation Dashboards for Healthcare Quality Improvement 2021 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHIC TBD Mai Elshehaly, Rebecca Randell, Matthew Brehmer, Lynn McVey, Natasha Alvarado, Chris P. Gale, Roy A. Ruddle
Institutional use of National Clinical Audits by healthcare providers 2021 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 27 McVey, L., Alvarado, N., Keen, J., Greenhalgh, J., Mamas, M., Gale, C., Doherty, P., Feltbower, R., Elshehaly, M., Dowding, D. and Randell, R.
What supports and constrains the implementation of multifactorial falls risk assessment and tailored multifactorial falls prevention interventions in acute hospitals? Protocol for a realist review. 2021 BMJ Open 11 Randell R;Wright JM;Alvarado N;Healey F;Dowding D;Smith H;Hardiker N;Gardner P;Ward S;Todd C;Zaman H;McVey L;Davey CJ;Woodcock D; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049765
Hidden labour: The skilful work of clinical audit data collection and its implications for secondary use of data via integrated health IT 2021 BMC Health Services Research 702 McVey, L., Alvarado, N., Greenhalgh, J., Elshehaly, M., Gale, C.P., Lake, J., Ruddle, R.A., Dowding, D., Mamas, M., Feltbower, R., Randell, R. Springer/Biomed Central
Exploring variation in the use of feedback from national clinical audits: a realist investigation 2020 BMC Health Services Research Not known Alvarado, N; McVey, L; Greenhalgh, J; Dowding, D; Mamas, M; Gale, C; Doherty, P; Randell, R
Reflective-verbal language and reverie in a qualitative interview 2016 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 16 132 - 140 McVey, L., Lees, J., Nolan, G. 10.1002/capr.12059
How, in what contexts, and why do quality dashboards lead to improvements in care quality in acute hospitals? Protocol for a realist feasibility evaluation. 2020 BMJ Open 10 Randell R;Alvarado N;McVey L;Greenhalgh J;West RM;Farrin A;Gale C;Parslow R;Keen J;Elshehaly M;Ruddle RA;Lake J;Mamas M;Feltbower R;Dowding D; 2044-6055 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033208
The predictive moment: reverie, connection and predictive processing 2020 British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 48 511 - 523 McVey L.;Nolan G.;Lees J. 0306-9885 10.1080/03069885.2020.1746744
Institutional use of National Clinical Audits by healthcare providers 2020 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice McVey L.;Alvarado N.;Keen J.;Greenhalgh J.;Mamas M.;Gale C.;Doherty P.;Feltbower R.;Elshehaly M.;Dowding D.;Randell R. 1356-1294 10.1111/jep.13403
Reflective‐verbal language and reverie in a qualitative interview 2016 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 16 McVey, L.; Lees, J.; Nolan. G.
Practitioner-based research and qualitative interviewing: Using therapeutic skills to enrich research in counselling and psychotherapy 2015 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 15 147 - 154 McVey L.;Lees J.;Nolan G. 1473-3145 10.1002/capr.12014