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Xenia Perez-Sitja

Information about Xenia Perez-Sitja at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Miss Xenia Perez-Sitja


If you look at my background, you’ll probably guess I am a researcher – but if you look at my experience, you’ll consider me a communicator, writer, coordinator or artist. I’d like to think of myself as a combination of all these.

With a BSc in Biomedicine and an MSc in Science Communication, I’ve worked in Horizon 2020 projects for almost 6 years as both a freelance science communicator and an in-house outreach expert.

In parallel, I’ve worked for the private sector for 2 years creating, organising and leading the programmes of big expos, conferences and small, international meetings in the fields of Pharma, cybersecurity and Big Tech.

Throughout all my experiences, engagement and coordination have been at the core of my skill set to attract thought leaders and build a community of experts.