Cosmopolitan Entrepreneurs. Culture, Mobility and Survival among Baltic German Family Businesses in the Twentieth Century
Martyn Housden (2019) Nordost-Archiv. 28
History of Refugees, History of National Minorities, History of Germany,
History of the Central and Eastern Europe (especially the Baltic
Region), History of Peace, Baltic Germans, the League of Nations, Rachel
Crowdy, Gilbert Murray, Fidtjof Nansen, psychoanalysis of Erich Fromm.
Martyn Housden (2019) Nordost-Archiv. 28
Housden, Martyn (2019)
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Housden, Martyn (2014)
Housden M. (2010) Slavonic and East European Review. 88, 495-524.
Housden, Martyn (2009)
Housden, Martyn (2007)
Housden M. (2007) Journal of Baltic Studies. 38, 61-83.
Housden, Martyn (2006)
Housden M. (2001) Historical Journal. 44, 579-585.
Housden M. (2000) German History. 18, 439-460.