The power of collaboration: managing complex decisions and risks in project environments
Rye,S. (2023) Association for Project Management.
Risk Management, Logistics, OR, Humanitarian response, Crisis Management, Project Management
Rye,S. (2023) Association for Project Management.
Alexander Verbraeck Marian Bosch-Rekveldt and Peter Simon (2023) Association for Project Management.
Rye,S. (2023) Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism . In C. Sousa & A. Tkaczyk editor(s) Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism .
Hasani S, El-Haddadeh R, Aktas E (2016) Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. Springer.
Hasani, S., and Aktas, E. (2016) S.Syngellakis, ed., Natural Disaster Management. Wessex Institute of Technology , WIT press.
Hasani, S., El-Haddadeh, R. and Aktas, E. (2015) In: N. Altay, M. Haselkorn and C. Zobel, ed., Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations . Spring Verlag..
Hasani, S., El-Haddadeh, R. and Aktas (2014) BREBBIA, C.Eds. 2014. Risk Analysis IX. Wessex Institute of Technology.
Sara Rye (2024) Navigating Peace and Sustainability in an Increasingly Complex World.
Rye, S., Sousa, Carla,. (2023) 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning.
Rye, S. (2023) 23rd International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation.
C. Sousa, F. Luz, M.M. Fonseca, P. Neves, P. Lopes, V. Maratou, R. Chaliampalias, A. Kameas, Y. Abdullahi, S. Rye (2022) 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.
Hasani S.;El-Haddadeh R.;Aktas E. (2014) WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 47, 369-380.
Hasani, S., El-Haddadeh, R. and Aktas, E. (2014) British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings 2014.
Verbraeck, Alexander; Bosch-Rekveldt, Marian; Rye, Sara; Simon, Peter (2023)
Rye, S. (2022) Association of Project Management.
Neves P.P.;Sousa C.;Fonseca M.;Rye S. (2023) 8, 4-7.
Hasani, S. (2019)
The state of the art of risk management in projects Rye, S. (2023). The state of the art of risk management in projects. Project journal . Spring, p. 12. (2023) Project Journal. Spring
(2024) Association for Project Management.
Pedro Pinto Neves, Carla Sousa, Micaela Fonseca , Sara Rye (2023) International Journal Of Film And Media Arts. Vol. 8 : Interaction, Challenge, and Learning: Innovations in Gaming for Serious Purposes
Sara, Rye; Emel Aktas (2023) Logistics Journal.
Sousa, C., Rye, S., Sousa, M., Torres, P. J., Perim, C., & Ennami, F. (2023) Frontiers in Psychology.
Maratou V.;Ennami F.;Luz F.;Abdullahi Y.;Medeišienė R.A.;Ščiukauskė I.;Chaliampalias R.;Kameas A.D.;Sousa C.;Rye S. (2023) International Journal Of Film And Media Arts. 8, 68-83.
Rye S.;Aktas E. (2022) Sustainability. 14
Rye S. (2022) Logistics Journal. 6
Rye S;Aktas E; (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19
Hasani S.;El-Haddadeh R.;Aktas E. (2016) International Series In Operations Research And Management Science., 111-133.
Medeisiene, R. A., Sciukauske, I., Karasa, D., Maratou, V., Chaliampalias, R., Moore, J. D., Abdullahi, Y., Rye, S., Sousa, C., Luz, F., Barroso, I., Neves, P. P. and & Fonseca, M. (2021)