Gender Bias and Digital Financial Services in South Asia: Obstacles and Opportunities on the Road to Equal Access
R.U. Arora (2020) Emerald .
Dr Rashmi Arora is an associate professor in
development economics at University of Bradford, United Kingdom. She has worked
earlier in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Griffith
Business School, Griffith University and at the Centre for Asia Pacific Social
Transformation Studies, University of Wollongong, Australia. She has also
worked in the Reserve Bank of India
(India’s central bank) in its economic policy department for several years.
Her current
teaching and research areas are development finance, international economics, digital
technology including digital finance, economic growth and developing economies.
She has published in several well-known international journals including Journal
of Institutional Economics, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Australian
Economic History Review, World
Development, Applied Economics, Journal of Developing Areas, Third
World Quarterly among others. She holds PhD in development
studies from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and MPhil in applied
economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. Rashmi is also senior fellow of
UK Advance HE. She is a member of American Economic Association, Australasian Development Economics Association, Association of Indian Economic and Financial Studies (AIEFS),
USA and affiliate of Centre for International Development, RMIT University,
Melbourne, Australia and also Associate Member of New Zealand South Asia
Centre, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. She is also a member
of Responsible FinTech (ResFinTech) Research Group at the University of
Bradford and steering
committee member, ICT4D North of England. She is associate editor, International Review of
Business and Economics, University of Denver, US and subject editor of Journal
of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development. She is also mentor with RES (Royal Economic Society) Women's Committee Mentoring Programme, UK. She was also guest editor
(jointly with T. Sarker, USQ, Australia) of special issue of the journal,
European Journal of Development Research on the theme ‘Financing of Sustainable
Development Goals and Covid 19’. Since 2021 she is also invited panel member for judging Global
Undergraduate Awards (Economics category).
Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Finance and Development, Economic Growth and Development, Less Developed Regions
R.U. Arora (2020) Emerald .
R.U.Arora (2009) VDM-Verlag.
Rashmi Arora (2023) GEO-ECONOMICS IN SOUTH ASIAN ENVIRONMENT. World Scientific Publishing.
Rashmi Arora (2022) Elgar Encyclopaedia of Development . Edward Elgar Publishers.
Rashmi Arora (2021) Elgar Encyclopaedia of Development . Edward Elgar Publishers.
Rashmi Umesh Arora (2021) The Digitalization of Financial Markets: The Socioeconomic Impact of Financial Technologies. Routledge.
Rashmi U. Arora (2021) Environment, Development and Culture in South and East Asia: Local, Regional and International Perspectives. In Edts Rajiv Thakur, Missouri State University, Stanley Brunn, University of Kentucky, Baleshwar Thakur, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi & Ramesh Dhussa, Drake University editor(s) Springer Nature.
Arora, Rashmi (2021) Handbook of BRICS and Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press.
Arora R. (2017) Financial Inclusion for Poverty Alleviation: Issues and Case Studies for Sustainable Development. In Mohammed, E.Y. and Uraguchi, Z. B. editor(s) Routledge. 51-67.
Arora, Rashmi (2017) Development Finance: Opportunities and Challenges . Palgrave.
Makin A.;Arora R. (2014) The Rise of the BRICS in the Global Political Economy: Changing Paradigms?. 11-26.
Rashmi Arora (2011) Public Policy Reforms on Development: Challenges before Emerging Economies (A Source Book) . Macmillan Publishers India Ltd..
Arora, R. U (2008) A. Thornton & A. McGregor (Eds.), Southern perspectives: proceedings of the 5th biennial conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet). University of Otago.
Arora, R.U. (2008) R. Ghosh, K.R. Gupta and P. Maiti (Eds.), Development Studies. Atlantic Publishers.
Rashmi Arora (2024) In George Kararach, Emmanuel Pinto Moreira and Victor Murinde editor(s)
Rashmi Arora (2011) Proceedings of Global Accounting, Finance and Economics Conference. xx
Rashmi Arora (2006) Southern Perspectives on Development: Dialogue or Division. 1
Rashmi Arora (2011) ABC_CLIO, California.
Rashmi Arora, P.B.Anand (2024) Journal of Institutional Economics.
Rashmi Arora, Tapan Sarker (2023) European Journal of Development Research.
Rashmi Umesh Arora, P.B.Anand (2021) Journal of Institutional Economics.
Quanda Zhang, Rashmi Umesh Arora, Sisira Colombage (2021) International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Arora, R. & Jalilian, H. (2020) Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development. 1
Arora, Rashmi; Zhang, Q. (2019) Australian Economic History Review. 59
Arora, Rashmi; Wondemu, Kifle Asfaw (2018) Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 30
Arora, Rashmi (2018) Sustainable Cities and Society. 42
Arora, Rashmi; Ratnasiri, S. (2015) International Journal of Social Economics. 42
Arora, Rashmi; Ratnasiri, S. (2015) Journal of Economic Policy Reform. 18
Arora, Rashmi (2014) European Journal of Development Research. 26
Arora, Rashmi; Ratnasiri, S. (2014)
Arora, Rashmi (2014) Journal of Developing Areas. 48
Naranpanawa, A.; Arora, Rashmi (2014) World Development. 64
Arora R. (2013) Journal of Asian Public Policy. 6, 217-230.
Arora R. (2012) Applied Economics. 44, 4527-4538.
Arora R. (2012) Third World Quarterly. 33, 179-199.
Tony Makin; Rashmi Arora (2012) Public Finance. 12
Rashmi Arora (2012) Journal of Developing Areas. 46
Arora R. (2009) Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 21, 124-142.
Rashmi Arora (2009) Journal of Asian Public Policy. 2