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Laura Bayliss

Information about Laura Bayliss at the University of Bradford.

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Laura joined Bradford university in May 2022as an Adult Nursing Lecturer. After qualifying with her BSc in Adult Nursing in2010, Laura embarked her career in Liver transplantation at Leeds Teaching Hospitalswhere her academic learning journey began by completing her first post-graduatecourse in Liver Care. Following several years Laura progressedinto Critical care, expanding her clinical career across two hospitals, Leedsand Harrogate and District Foundation Trust. Whilst fulfilling her clinicalduties as Sister within Critical care, Laura progressed onto achieving her PG certificatein Critical Care here at the University of Bradford. This further broadened herdevelopment and allowed her to take on the role as Practice Educator for Criticalcare, teaching a wide variety of nursing and allied healthcare professionalsalongside supporting student nurses. The role also included delivering teachingand ensuring quality within critical care including benchmarking and linkingwith a wide range network of leaders.

Laura’s interests also lie within theProfessional nurse advocacy role, empowering, understanding and listening tonurses at all career stages in professional development. This qualification hasallowed her to deliver clinical restorative supervision within clinicalpractice and support nurses to develop and implement Quality Improvementprojects across the trust, improving patient safety and quality. Laura is currently part way through herteaching qualification and is also working towards her Masters in Health Sciences.

Laura has a keen passion for Critical care andPalliative nursing care in which she often provides clinical hours for which fundamentallykeeps her clinical skills and knowledge up to date.