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Dr. Hannah Intezar

Dr. Hannah Intezar


I am Associate Professor in Social and Cultural Psychology and currently UG Director of Studies for the School of Social Sciences.

My introduction to academia as an undergraduate was highly interdisciplinary, encompassing Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, and Literature. This provided the perfect intellectual training for successfully attaining an interdisciplinary doctorate, and motivation for continuing to create a multi-disciplinary narrative for my research. For example, I have, and continue to, work on interdisciplinary research and collaboration(s) with academics from politics, philosophy, and psychology. I have a particular interest in qualitative dialogical epistemology and visual methods in psychology. My current areas of research include, but are not limited to, a critical approach to notions of self-identity, gender, public and private speech, digital societies, and enquires into lived cultural experiences.

I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a committee member of The History and Philosophy of Psychology section (THPP), The Psychology of Women and Equality Section (POWES). I am always interested in hearing from students wanting to pursue qualitative doctoral research in a multi-disciplinary research area.


Research collaborator


I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and strongly believe in research led teaching, and have taught across all Levels on all programmes delivered by the department of Sociology and Criminology. Currently, I am also the Programme Leader for the BPS accredited Psychology and Criminology UG course. 

I am the module leader for:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Selfhood, Identity, and Society 
  • Sustainability and Consumption: Past, Present, and Future 
  • Social Psychology and Crime 
