Experts by Experience
Our partnership with members of the public, known as our ‘experts by experience’ group, allows our researchers to understand the behaviours and preferences of the people their research is designed to help. This involvement throughout the research process helps make our outcomes more effective by considering real world implications and how they affect the end user. In addition, experts by experience provide valuable input to learning and teaching and other University activities.
Contributions to University activities
Our experts by experience provide viewpoints that are different from researchers and University staff which add value to a range of University activities, including:
- Developing new research projects to improve lives.
- Advising research and being part of steering groups for research projects.
- Working with students undertaking research.
- Promoting the patient voice, ensuring this is part of all learning and research activities through University committees and meetings.
- Supporting student learning by delivering lectures on health conditions and disabilities.
- Contributing to student assessments including simulated practice learning, where experts by experience roleplay as patients, and offer feedback on communication skills in simulated clinical exams.
- Taking part in the interview process for new students.
- Curriculum development.

Nadia talking to students about her lived experience of cerebral palsy and hearing impairment.
We bring more focus on people from a patient's perspective, so it is not all about facts and figures. We ask questions or challenge researchers and remind them that they are researching topics that benefit people.
Gill Bowskill, Expert by Experience
How to become an expert by experience
We want you to be able to give us your advice and insight based on your own experience, that might include health conditions or disability, your experience of using services and your community. Your thoughts and opinions are ones that our students and researchers may not know about or have considered. So, if you're interested in sparing some time, we'd really like you to fill in our expression of interest form with a few details about you. With your permission we will get in touch with you by phone or email.
We'll then be able to get to know you better and to introduce you to other 'experts by experience' like you and match your interests to our projects and our work with students. From there we will be able to work with you on how best you can use your experience to help to continuously improve our research, our teaching and learning and our student assessment.
If you change your mind or are no longer interested, you can opt out at any time.
Who are we looking for?
- Anyone who wants to give their time.
- People with health conditions, disabilities or carers.
- People who have seen a midwife, nurse, physiotherapist, radiographer, occupational therapist, pharmacist, social worker and or used any other health or social care services.
What does it involve?
With support and training:
- Talking to students about your experience.
- Representing the voice of patients and carers.
- Contributing to the design and delivery of teaching and research.
- Interviewing prospective students.

Expert by Experience Chris is giving a presentation on his lived experiences of addiction and recovery, and founding a social enterprise making soaps to raise money.
Contact us
If you have any questions, or are interesting in becoming an expert by experience, feel free to email us or fill in our form.