Module code: PSY7073-Z
PWPs assess and support patients with depression and/or anxiety disorders that can benefit from brief, standalone psychological interventions. Certain disorders (notably post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder) should always be treated with high intensity interventions at Step 3 and so should not be treated at Step 2 by PWPs PWPs work in NHS Talking Therapies services providing the low-intensity (Step 2) component of the stepped care model through a range of modes of delivery linked to service user choice. Trainee PWPs must become competent in delivering low-intensity interventions via all of these modes. It is important that PWPs adhere to the usual professional and ethical guidelines that guide their practice. PWPs should pay particular attention to issues of client consent and participation, equity of access and choice. PWP training should ensure that all trainees reach a level of competence that would enable them to deliver Step 2 treatment as recommended in the relevant NICE Guidelines for anxiety and depression. It will also be necessary for trainees to be familiar with the management of issues that are commonly co-morbid with depression and anxiety, such as substance misuse and physical health co-morbidities. PWP interventions aim to have a meaningful impact on patients' lives, improving social inclusion, employment and community connection, as well as symptoms. Trainees will therefore need to be able to assess individual's employment needs and develop close working relationships with employment advisors in order to maximise the chance that patients will be able to return to work where appropriate. PWPs should operate at all times within the stepped care model of service delivery in which the IAPT minimum levels of PWP supervision are provided, in line with the IAPT Manual. Supervisors of trainee PWPs should all have undertaken appropriate training (and refresher training) on PWP supervision and receive supervision of supervision. Guidance on IAPT supervision is available in the IAPT Manual: PWP trainees should receive both case management supervision (individual, 1 hour per week) and clinical skills supervision (at least 1 hour per fortnight). Small group supervision that is proportionally longer in duration can also be effective for clinical skills supervision. Case discussion should be informed by outcome measures. Regular live or recorded observation should take place within supervision to allow detailed feedback on practice issues and fidelity to the model, including the use of fidelity/competence rating scales. A minimum of two live observations with a PWP competence rating scale should be conducted per year. Discussion of clinical cases should be prioritised according to need as determined by trainees and supervisors. Cultural competence and reasonable adjustments should be considered, as well as how supervision can support the supervisee to meet individual need. Download the PDF for PSY7073-Z_2024_5.pdf