Sustainable Cities

Module code: PES7052-B

Module Aims

This module aims to develop an advanced understanding of the concepts, ideas,
approaches, policies, challenges and limitations of sustainable cities.

Outline Syllabus

The urban Millennium and understanding the nature of cities, urban economy and its spatial and social manifestations; city growth, productivity, prosperity and poverty that includes ‘engines of growth’ and ‘dark satanic mills’; ecological footprint and the basis of sustainable cities and implications for SDG11; strategic and city-wide challenges; sector based approaches including transport, energy, water, pollution and waste management; smart cities, big data and digital innovations; urban governance; the new urban ecologies and citizen centred approaches, health issues and healthy cities; urban violence; the gendered nature of urban systems and issues for inclusive cities; urban space as a means of liberties; cities, speculation and money-laundering issues.

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