Health Promotion in Practice

Module code: NUR7052-B

Module Aims

1) Critically appraise health promotion ideology, theories, policy and research. (2) Critically appraise and evaluate health promotion priorities, strategies and methods used with individuals, groups, partnerships and communities
(3) Synthesise theoretical frameworks and research knowledge to explore issues of ethics, power and politics within health promotion policy and practice

Outline Syllabus

Health promotion: Development of health promotion practice; relationship with public health and health education. Definitions and models of health promotion: Concept of health promotion, models of health promotion. Health promotion in practice; health, illness and healthy lifestyle; communication for health. Health related decision making/models of decision making: psychology of control, learning theory; social learning theory, H.A.M, H.B.M, theory of reasoned action and planned behviour, locus of control, empowerment, significance of empowerment.
Changing health behaviour: Theoretical Domains Framework; the behaviour change wheel. Implementation of health promotion programmes; evaluation of programme activities, ethical dilemmas and quality issues associated with health promotion, evaluation of the evidence-base that underpins health promotion activities.

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