Introductory Microbiology

Module code: BIS4013-B

Module Aims       

To provide students who may have little or no background in Microbiology with an introduction to the nature of microbes and the microbial world. To provide students with practical experience of basic microbiological procedures including aseptic technique and key tests for bacterial identification.

Outline Syllabus   

This module will provide an overview of the microbial world, including discussion of the structure and function of prokaryotes, nutritional and physiological requirements and environmental factors affecting growth. The nature and structure of viruses including bacteriophage will be covered. The interactions between microbes and humans will be studied including: the role of human commensal flora; bacterial, fungal and viral diseases and their prevention. Life cycles, epidemiology, pathological effects and control of protozoa and other parasites responsible for important diseases of humans will also be discussed.
Industrial uses of micro-organisms, food microbiology, nutrient recycling and the importance of microbes in biodegradation of wastes and pollutants will be studied. The module also introduces bacterial genetics, including: structure and replication of prokaryotic DNA; transcription; translation; mutations and transfer of genetic information between bacteria.
The isolation, growth and identification of microbes will also be covered. There will be a practical introduction to the isolation/identification of bacteria and  fungi by biochemical and staining techniques; aseptic culture transfer and enumeration techniques. The effect of temperature on bacterial growth and survival will also be studied.

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