Professor Paul Rogers

Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies
Expertise: Changing causes of international conflict, Terrorism and political violence, Environmental conflict, Middle East security, Arms control and disarmament, Middle East; Persian Gulf
In the last two years, with conflicts in Afghanistan and Ukraine, Professor Rogers has provided expert commentary to a vast number of media outlets, notching up more than a 100 radio and TV interviews.
He also writes a weekly column on international affairs for and a monthly analysis on international security issues for
His work in international conflicts focuses on the interactions of socio-economic divisions and environmental constraints. He looks at issues such as the politics of energy resource use and the impact of climate change on international security. He has a particular research interest in radicalisation and political violence.
His regional emphasis is primarily on the Middle East and South Asia and his work on sustainable security links with Oxford Research Group.
Professor Rogers is President of the Movement for the Abolition of War.
View all experts in: International affairs and security.