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Accessible Content

Converting files - SensusAccess

SensusAccess is a self-service means of converting your documents into a range of formats, including audiobooks (MP3 and Daisy), eBooks (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi), and digital Braille (for Word, Excel, PDF or plain text, choose 'Accessibility conversion' at step 2). The software produces accessible documents from image-only PDFs, images and Microsoft PowerPoint slides. More than one JPEG can be combined into a single file. You will be guided through a simple 4-step process. NB! you may need to scroll down the page to see all the steps.

Please note, you will need to use your Bradford email address for this service.

Use SensusAccess to convert a file

Alternative media

Conditions of Use

You may make an accessible copy, providing one or more of the following applies:

  • You have a print disability or you are acting on behalf of someone with a print disability.
  • You have permission from the copyright owner.
  • The document is out of copyright.
  • You own the copyright.

Students and staff may convert material related to coursework and University of Bradford activities, e.g. module handouts or lecture notes, without prior permission.

Print-disabled students using SensusAccess to convert files need to agree that:

  • An equivalent accessible format copy is not commercially available. We can help you check for this. Contact for assistance.
  • The copy supplied will be for your sole personal use and will to be shared with others.
  • You will abide by the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Section 31A (Disabled persons: copies of works for personal use).

Assistance with copyright

Advice on Alternative Formats

If your Learner Support Profile indicates that you need texts in alternative formats as a reasonable adjustment, please contact the Disabled User Services to discuss your requirements. We will obtain accessible formats, where possible, either via the RNIB's Bookshare service, or directly via the publisher. Please get in touch as early in your course as possible, to give us time to supply the alternative formats you need.