Tina Butler - Chief Executive Officer

How do you find the UOB summer experience programme?
Brilliant! Handshake is super easy and straight forward. We’ve always had high calibre students from University of Bradford. They come across fantastically during interviews during interviews.
What jobs do you offer for graduates?
A variety of roles, you must show you have the skillset and show that you’re proactive. If we can see it is something you really want, we can make it work!
What are the most important characteristics you look for in a candidate?
It is important candidates show that they are prepared and know the company before interview. We like candidates that are proactive, true to themselves and aren’t afraid to show who they are. Kindness, compassion, and respect are also key.
It is important candidates show that they are prepared and know the company before interview.
What advice would you give to graduates at the start of their career?
Use the careers service at University of Bradford and handshake!
Can you tell us something interesting about working at your organisation that you wouldn’t get from looking at the website?
We are an organisation that pride ourselves in knowing people can be themselves. We are one big working family and if ever anything good happens, there always food!