Arrangements for Students to Transfer 2024/25
- Provider’s name: University of Bradford
- Provider’s UKPRN: 10007785
- Legal address: Richmond Road, Bradford BD7 1DP
- Contact point for enquiries about this document: Academic Registrar, (
Introduction and Background
As a registered provider of Higher Education, Condition F2 of the Office for Students Regulatory framework requires the University of Bradford to publish the arrangements it has in place to facilitate student transfers. In this context, the term ‘transfer’ refers to the process by which a current student, either studying at the University of Bradford or at another Higher Education Institution, moves (‘transfers’) from one degree programme to another. Students may transfer internally within the University of Bradford, from the University of Bradford to another Higher Education Institution, or from another Higher Education Institution to the University of Bradford.
The University is fully committed to supporting students to transfer within, into, and out of the University where they wish to do so. The University aligns all of its programmes to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of Degree-Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This ensures the comparability of the standards of our awards nationally and internationally, and facilitates student transfer internally and between institutions.
This statement applies to:
- current students at other Higher Education Institutions wishing to transfer to a programme of study at the University of Bradford (Transfer In);
- current students at the University of Bradford who wish to transfer to another Higher Education Institution (Transfer Out); and
- current students at the University of Bradford who wish to transfer to another programme at the University of Bradford (Transfer Within).
Process for Students Transferring from another Higher Education Institution to the University of Bradford (Transfer In)
The eligibility of a student to transfer from another Higher Education Institution to a programme of study at the University of Bradford is determined by the entry criteria for the programme and the timing of the request to transfer.
Students from another Higher Education Institution who wish to transfer to a programme at the University of Bradford should contact the University’s Admissions Team ( who will advise the student on the process for application (which may be via UCAS or direct application). Applications will be assessed against the entry criteria for the programme to which the student wishes to transfer.
Where the proposed transfer is based upon prior attainment, students will be advised on the University’s processes for admission via Recognition of Prior Learning. Students seeking to transfer based upon prior attainment will be required to produce a certificate or transcript to support their application, and assessment will be undertaken by academic staff of the relevance of the prior attainment to the programme the student is seeking to transfer to.
Find further information about admission via Recognition of Prior Learning.
In the event that an application for transfer is unsuccessful, the student will be advised of this by the Admissions Team. Students wishing to appeal a decision may do so under the Admissions and Appeals Complaints Procedures.
Process for Students Transferring from the University of Bradford to another Higher Education Institution (Transfer Out)
Students who are currently studying at the University of Bradford and who wish to transfer to another Higher Education Institution should contact the institution they wish to transfer to for advice on transferring.
Students will need to withdraw from their programme of study at the University of Bradford using the withdrawal notification available on e:Vision in advance of their proposed date of withdrawal. Where a withdrawal has been confirmed, the University will confirm any outstanding attainment via the next available Board of Examiners meeting. Where a student achieves, or has already achieved, an interim award, the student will be eligible to have this conferred at the next available graduation ceremony, and will be awarded a certificate and transcript confirming the award.
Where a student has completed and passed modules, but does not have sufficient credit for an interim award, the student will be issued with a transcript confirming their completed credit. Where a student requires confirmation of their credit and/or their award in advance of the issuing of an official University certificate or transcript to facilitate their transfer to another institution, a letter confirming attainment may be obtained from the MyBradford team or the designated programme administrator.
Process for Students Seeking to Transfer within the University of Bradford (Transfer Within)
The eligibility of a student to transfer for one programme to another at the University of Bradford is determined by the entry criteria for the programme to which they are seeking to transfer and the timing of the request to transfer.
Students seeking to transfer within the University of Bradford should contact their Personal Academic Tutor in the first instance to discuss their request. If, following discussion with their Personal Academic Tutor, a student still wishes to transfer, they should then contact the Programme Leader for the programme they wish to transfer to.
Students may formally request to transfer by completing the transfer request form available on e:vision. Transfer between programmes requires the sign off of the Programme Leader from the student’s original programme of study, and the Programme Leader of the proposed new programme of study. Transfer cannot be used to avoid undertaking assessment.
In the event that an application for transfer is unsuccessful, the student may submit a complaint under the Student Complaints Procedure.
Version 1.1 was Approved by Senate July 2024. It is valid during academic year 2024/25.
Arrangements for Student Transfers
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