Module code: PES4020-B
This module aims to introduce you to the major debates and theories within the field of development studies. A central theme is that of inequality between countries and the module takes you through competing explanations for how and why this situation arose, which debates and theories have had more political impact than others, and the politics of why they evolved the way they did.
Today, many of these debates overlap with Global Politics, International Relations, Security Studies, Conflict Analysis / Resolution and, of course, Peace Studies.
You will also be supported to develop conceptual, analytical and evaluative skills through examination of the practices of development within countries in the Global South. You will examine the debates over how to explain contrasts between countries in the Global South as well as why and how poverty persists. You will achieve a good understanding of how poverty, development and globalisation are conceived and measured, and what important actors argue should be done to change them. Throughout the module the theoretical and thematic connections between this module and the other two core modules in semester one will be also be highlighted.
This will be particularly the case at the start of the module and at the conclusion of the module.
Download the PDF for Challenges and Approaches to Development