Module code: PES7062-B
To enable you to develop a good grounding and advanced appreciation of key concepts, theories, historical and contextual perspectives and analytical frameworks for examining the causes and dynamics of transnational problems and challenges, and also for examining the development, implementation and effectiveness of international responses to such problems.
To enable you to examine at an advanced level processes of 'securitisation' and 'de-securitisation' of transnational problems, and the significance of these processes for the politics of mobilising effective and sustainable international responses.
To enable you to achieve a detailed and advanced understanding of selected major contemporary transnational problems, and responses to them - applying and gaining experience with the relevant concepts and analytical frameworks. The selected transnational problems to be examined in detail will relate to international environmental problems, trafficking and international crime, with the specific issue areas varying from year to year, according to topicality and recent research.
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